Naruto Fanon Wiki

First Raikage
Alias(es) First Raikage (初代雷影, Shodaime Raikage, Literally meaning: First or Founding Lightning Shadow)
Kanji エー
Rōmaji Ē
Novel Naruto: A Shinobi Story
Appears in Novel
Character Status
Status Deceased
Birthdate Sagittarius December 1
Gender Male Male
Height 2.1 m
Weight 97.2 kg.
Blood Type O
Home Country Land of Lightning Symbol Land of Lightning
Affiliation(s) Kumogakure Symbol Kumogakure
Occupation(s) Raikage
Rank Part II: Kage

A (The First Raikage) is property of RW109.
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A (エー, Ē, Viz: Ei, English TV: Ay) was the First Raikage (初代雷影, Shodai Raikage, Literally meaning: First or Founding Lightning Shadow) who founded Kumogakure in the Land of Lightning.


During his leadership in the early days of Kumogakure after the Warring States Period, A presumably sent the Gold and Silver Brothers to capture the Nine-Tails, a task at which they ultimately failed.[1]

First Five Kage summit

The first summit of the five Kage ever is convened.

At the first meeting of the five Kage, he was accompanied by the future Second Raikage; his longtime bodyguard.[2] He sat alongside the other Kage and told Hashirama that bowing to other Kage was not a sign of a lasting leader. After asking the First Kazekage to give voice to his alternative request, since Sunagakure already had a tailed beast, he expressed outrage when the Kazekage made a demand of receiving 30% of whatever they would pay for a tailed beast from Konoha. As in-fighting broke out and Hashirama Senju made his plea to them to preserve the future of their children and unite, he looked on intently.[3]

Before his death, A would leave a strong moral mark related to his desire to protect Kumogakure in his bodyguard, whose long service and dedication earned him the nomination as his successor.[4]


While not much was seen of his personality, A did seemingly have a verbal tic, ending his sentences with “yo” (よ)[5] He also seemed to have a habit of folding his arms. He was a prideful man and held the idea that shinobi should not lower their heads so easily. A had a strong will to protect Kumogakure, something he passed down to his successor.


First Raikage

A wearing the Raikage headpiece.

A was a dark-skinned man, with prominent creases under his eyes and a mop of shaggy black hair, which partially obscured his forehead protector. In terms of attire, he wore a high-collared dark kimono shirt, dark pants bound by a sash, and a light-colored scarf around his neck. He also wore small stud earrings. In the anime, his attire consists of a cream-colored coat with a high collar, a white forehead protector, zōri, and a purple scarf around his neck.


As the First Raikage and the founder of Kumo, A was undoubtedly a powerful shinobi.


  • In terms of appearance, A bears a stark resemblance to music icon Jimi Hendrix.


  1. Naruto chapter 529, page 3
  2. Fourth Databook, page 200
  3. Naruto chapter 648, pages 6-11
  4. Fourth Databook, page 200
  5. Naruto chapter 648, page 6
