Naruto Fanon Wiki
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Aokigahara (青木ヶ原,Aokigahara) is an inner world located within Zenjou. It spawned from Zenjou's own damaged personality. The result of suppressing years of emotions while indulging in heinous actions. Murdering children, massacring families, and even causing the downfall of innocent organizations. As an assassin and true shinobi, Zenjou obtained an absolute mastery over his emotions. Eventually, Zenjou's spirit and mind started to burn, ripped apart rapidly piece by piece. However, Zenjou's extreme healing factor attempted to keep up with this damage. The mixture lead to creating an inner world. A pocket dimension where Zenjou's emotional, spiritual and mental troubles existed. It took a shape associated with an important symbol. During his childhood, Zenjou and Seigetsu stumbled upon such a dense woodland. Finding absolute peace and harmony, it became an important location for Zenjou. A location where he'd always find happiness. The image followed. And soon, it became a pocket dimension within Zenjou's heart.

The world is a seemingly infinite forest comprised solely of bones. A deathly, rotting hell cursed with eternal night...

Inside lies his innerself, as well as that of his biological father.


  • Aokigahara is based off of the actual Suicide Forest in Japan.
  • The ability to materialize it into this realm is inspired by reality marbles.