Naruto Fanon Wiki

Kanji アサシ
Novel Naruto: A Shinobi Story
Appears in Novel
Character Status
Birthdate Cancer July 1
Age Part II: 32
Gender Male Male
Height Part II: 1.86 m
Weight Part II: 80 kg
Blood Type AB
Home Country Land of Frost Symbol Land of Frost
Affiliation(s) Yukigakure Symbol Shimogakure
Allied Shinobi Forces Symbol Allied Shinobi Forces
Occupation(s) Fifth Division Commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces
Rank Village Head
Team Fifth Division
Kekkei Genkai Nature Icon Light Light Release
Nature Type
Nature Icon Light Light Release
Nature Icon Lightning Lightning Release
Nature Icon Wind Wind Release
Shinobi & Kenjutsu Techniques: Chakra Shockwave Slash, Dancing Blade Risk, Flash, Iai Beheading, Iaidō, Iai Beheading, Iai Blade, Saber Technique, Secret Sword: Snowstorm Beheading
Kekkei Genkai Techniques: Light Release: Flash Chain Prison, Light Release: Divine Beam, Light Release: Three Wolves Technique
Lightning Technique: Electrocution Technique
Wind Technique: Wind Release: Air Current Wild Dance

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Asashi (アサシ) is the village head of Shimogakure and ruler of Land of Frost.


Mifune vs

Asashi fighting Hanzō.

During the Second Shinobi World War, Asashi and his forces were pitted against Hanzō. While everyone escaped in fear, Asashi stood proud against him, willing to protect his comrades. During their battle Hanzō’s kusarigama broke through Asashi’s sword and struck his head, poisoning him. With the battle finished, Hanzō expressed his beliefs to him, and, acknowledging his faith and strength, gave Asashi the antidote for the poison and left.[1][2]




Nature Transformation[]

Main article: Light Release (RW109)

Part II[]

Five Kage Summit (Arc)[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Five Kage Summit (Arc)

Fourth Shinobi World War (Arc)[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Fourth Shinobi World War (Arc)

Birth of the Ten-Tails’ Jinchūriki[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Birth of the Ten-Tails’ JinchūrikiWith the five Kage arriving to the battlefield and the Allied Shinobi Forces troops rallied to fight, Asashi and a group of samurai charged forward to face the Ten-Tails’ tree form. Cutting down several limbs of the tree in one go, he noted that the samurai would also show their resolve on the battlefield.


  • Asashi literally means “morning, dawn”.


  • (To the Fifth Division) “No need for assistance! If you don’t want to get cut, then don’t get in my way.”[3]
  • (To Hanzō) “With all my loyalty to harmony, I act under the guidance of my beliefs!” (「和に忠を尽くし己の信念の下動く!」, “Wa ni chū o tsukushi onore ni shinnen no moto ugoku!”)[4]
  • (To Hanzō) “People who continue to put their lives on the line to defend their faith become heroes and will continue to exist on in legends! Stop bending your faith and scraping away your body…give up trying to refine and polish yourself. Your attack doesn't have the sharpness it used to! Because of that, your blade is dirtied with blood. Bluntness will not last! People are like swords!”[5]


  1. Naruto chapter 531, page 14
  2. Naruto chapter 532, pages 1-8
  3. Naruto chapter 531, page 7
  4. Naruto chapter 531, page 6
  5. Naruto chapter 531, pages 20-21
