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This article, Catastrophism Fist, is property of Princeharris1993.
Catastrophism Fist
PKH CatastrophismFist
Kanji 天変地異説拳
Rōmanji Tenpenchiisetsuken
Literal English Catastrophism Fist
Natural Disaster Befalling Heaven and Earth Theory Fist
Other Tenpenchiisetsuken
Classification Totsujoihen Symbol Kekkei Genkai, Taijutsu, Nintaijutsu, Fighting Style, Kinjutsu
Rank X-Rank, Citrinitas, Rubedo
Class Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Range All Ranges
Related Jutsu Tenpenchii

Tamotsu Yoshiyuki

The Catastrophism Fist (天変地異説拳てんぺんちいせつけん, Tenpenchiisetsuken) is a highly versatile and extremely destructive fighting style utilized by Tamotsu Yoshiyuki. Invented as a way to fuse Totsujoihen with taijutsu, it makes for an exceptionally dangerous and unpredictable style to combat.


Through the merging of volatile taijutsu maneuvers and unpredictable environmental alteration, Tamotsu becomes the core of devastation that is the Catastrophism Fist.

PKH OikazuchiChakraMode

Tamotsu moving as the lightning of Ōikazuchi.

The most dangerous aspect of the fighting style isn't its ability to produce any natural phenomenon, but Tamotsu's ability to become one with it.


  • Catastrophism is defined as the theory that changes in the earth's crust during geological history have resulted chiefly from sudden violent and unusual events.