Naruto Fanon Wiki

Communications Team
Novel Naruto: A Shinobi Story
Appears in Novel
Team Info
Member(s) Stub Dodai
Stub Tango
Affiliation(s) Allied Shinobi Forces Symbol Allied Shinobi Forces

Communications Team is property of RW109.
Therefore, this page cannot be used, touched, or edited without authorization from the author through the Message Wall. Respect the author’s wish and enjoy the following work!

Within each division of the Allied Shinobi Forces, there was a team of shinobi with the express purpose of ensuring that contact is maintained between individuals found throughout the alliance, so that vital information may be relayed both quickly and securely across vast distances. This task is achieved by working in tandem with the Intelligence Division, or more specifically its captain Inoichi Yamanaka, whose telepathy makes such communication possible.
