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This article, Dance of the Sacred Lotus, is the property of Dynamite. Plagiarism, unauthorized alteration or blatant disrespect will result in your banishment.
editDance of the Sacred Lotus Camera font awesome
Kanji 蓮の舞
Rōmaji Hachisu no Mai
Appears in Anime, Manga
Classification Shikotsumyaku Symbol Kekkei Genkai, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu
Class Offensive, Defensive
Range Short to Mid range
Other jutsu
Parent jutsu

Zenjou's constant visitations to the Land of Iron have been accompanied by frequent tutelage under an unknown master; One who witnessed his extreme skills in Kyūjutsu and Taijutsu. Ultimately, Zenjou's unnamed master was known for utilizing multiple swords simultaneously in battle. And such, attempted to teach Zenjou his sacred art known only as the Sacred Lotus. It's name had been derived from the lotus petals representing each sword. However, Zenjou's main blade proved too large for Zenjou to wield another sword. Having a secondary smaller blade created a significant imbalance which impaired his movement. Almost quitting, Zenjou came to a separate revelation that stemmed from Zenjou earning his infamy from his abilities of osteokinetic construction. He possessed an immense imaginatino that allowed Zenjou to create verything from miniature skeletons to gigantic skeletal arms capable of restraining tailed beast. Zenjou realized that he could spawn skeletal limbs from himself in a manner similar to his regenerative factor.

Zenjou's revelation evolved into the foundation of his Dance of the Sacred Flower. Zenjou learned to spawn skeletal arms from within his body which creates a bouquet of deathly limbs around his person. Each arm spanning twice as long as his normal limbs accompanied by clawed hands at their ends. Zenjou can utilize these arms to enhance his taijutsu by increasing the number of attacks he can launch or his defensive measures. An impressive example is Zenjou mimicking seveal techniques utilized by the demonic duo. Zenjou is also able to spawn porcelain blades into their hands allowing him to wield up to 10 blades at once with his main executioner sword being the eleventh. However, such a fighting style is the exact opposite of traditional samurai arts. It is one of randomness and chaotic battle that utilizes spinning rapidly as he slices down his target with a whirlwind of attacks. Although he is known for random attacks, Zenjou is able to mentally control each arm as if his natural limbs and expanding them further. Granting an extreme boost in both taijutsu and kenjutsu.

Zenjou is known for activating this technique when opponents manage to overcome his distance rather quickly.


  • Inspired by a funny web comic.