Naruto Fanon Wiki

Danzō Shimura
Alias(es) The Darkness of the Shinobi (忍の闇, Shinobi no Yami, English TV: The Shinobi of Darkness)[1], Sixth Hokage Candidate (六代目火影候補, Rokudaime Hokage Kōho, Literally meaning: Sixth Fire Shadow Candidate), Kanzō (カンゾウ)
Kanji 志村ダンゾウ
Rōmaji Shimura Danzō
Novel Naruto: A Shinobi Story
Appears in Novel
Character Status
Status Deceased
Birthdate Capricorn January 6
Age Part I: 68-69
Part II: 72-73
Gender Male Male
Height 1.7 m
Weight 52.7 kg.
Blood Type AB
Home Country Land of Fire Symbol Land of Fire
Clan Shimura Clan Symbol Shimura Clan
Affiliation(s) Stub Konohagakure
Root Symbol Root
Occupation(s) Founder/Leader of Root
Sixth Hokage Candidate
Ninja Registration 000272
Team Konoha Council
Escort Unit
Kekkei Genkai Sharingan Sharingan
Mangekyō Sharingan Shisui Mangekyō Sharingan
Nature Icon Wood Wood Release
Nature Type
Nature Icon Wind Wind Release(Affinity)
Nature Icon Earth Earth Release
Nature Icon Water Water Release
Nature Icon Wood Wood Release
Nature Icon Yin Yin Release
Nature Icon Yang Yang Release
Shinobi and Sealing Techniques: Cursed Tongue Eradication Technique, Hiding in Surface Technique, Reverse Four Symbols Sealing, Self-Cursing Seal, Summoning Technique (Baku)
Kekkei Genkai Techniques: Genjutsu: Sharingan, Spontaneous Tree Summoning, Izanagi, Kotoamatsukami
Wind Techniques: Wind Release Body Flicker, Wind Release: Air Bullets, Wind Release: Breakthrough, Wind Release: Great Breakthrough, Wind Release: Vacuum Blade, Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere, Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves, Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere, Wind Release: Vacuum Wave, Wind Waves
Sealing Arm Braces

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Danzō Shimura (志村ダンゾウ, Shimura Danzō) was an elder of Konohagakure. As the founder and leader of Root, Danzō gained notoriety as The Darkness of the Shinobi (忍の闇, Shinobi no Yami, English TV: The Shinobi of Darkness)[2] because of his frequent unsanctioned actions and his often suspected (but rarely proven) undermining of specific Konoha personnel. Despite his decades of suspicious deeds, Danzō only ever acted in what he believed was the village’s best interests. He was appointed the Sixth Hokage Candidate (六代目火影候補, Rokudaime Hokage Kōho, Literally meaning: Sixth Fire Shadow Candidate) after Pain’s Assault but died before he could be formally approved to the position.






Nature Transformation[]

Body Modifications[]



Mangekyō Sharingan[]

Part I[]

Ōizumi Village Crisis[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Ōizumi Village Crisis

Chūnin Exams (Arc)[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Chūnin Exams (Arc)

Konoha Crush (Arc)[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Konoha Crush (Arc)

Search for Tsunade Senju[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Search for Tsunade Senju

Sasuke Recovery Mission[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Sasuke Recovery Mission

Part II[]

Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission

Land of Whirlpools (Arc)[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Land of Whirlpools (Arc)

Pain’s Assault[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Pain’s Assault (Arc)

Five Kage Summit[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Five Kage Summit (Arc)



  • Danzō’s family name, Shimura, is written with the kanji for will, intention (志) and village (村) and can be interpreted as “I did it for the village,” possibly hinting at Danzō’s true intentions.
  • Like Dan Katō, Danzō’s name may be a reference to Katō Danzō, a noted ninja master during the time of the Sengoku period of Japan.
  • Elements of Danzō’s design and backstory, including the x-shaped scar on his chin and his status as the leader of Root, appear to have been taken from Masashi Kishimoto’s original concept for Itachi Uchiha.[3]
  • Studio Pierrot’s Settei sheets of Danzō show that he was 146cm around the time the Valley of the End was created, and 168cm when Tobirama died.
  • In the Jin no Sho, summoning is not listed among Danzō’s special characteristics. Also, despite his usage of Izanagi, Yang Release is not listed as one of his natures.[4]
  • According to the databook(s):
    • Danzō’s hobbies were appreciating famous pictures and keeping diaries.
    • Danzō’s favorite food and drink was hijiki (which he shared with his rival Hiruzen Sarutobi) and genmaicha (brown rice tea). In contrast, his least favorite was warabimochi (jelly-like confection).
    • Danzō did not want to fight anyone in particular.
    • Danzō favorite word was “fortitude” (不屈, fukutsu).



  1. Naruto chapter 459, page 1
  2. Naruto chapter 459, page 1
  3. Jin no Sho, page 380
  4. Fourth Databook, pages 164-165
  5. Naruto chapter 481, page 7
  6. Naruto: Shippūden episode 355
  7. Naruto chapter 310, page 12
  8. Naruto chapter 456, page 8
  9. Naruto chapter 476, page 19
  10. Naruto Naruto chapter 477, page 11
  11. Naruto chapter 480, page 13
  12. Naruto chapter 481, page 12
