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This article, Earth Release: Pack of A Thousand Hounds, is the property of Dynamite. Plagiarism, unauthorized alteration or blatant disrespect will result in your banishment.

editEarth Release: Pack of A Thousand Hounds Camera font awesome
Kanji 土遁:千猟犬の群
Rōmaji Doton: Senryōken no Gun
Appears in Anime, Manga
Classification Ninjutsu, Kinjutsu
Class Offensive
Range All ranges
Other jutsu
Parent jutsu

An immensely powerful yet dangerous technique, for it, Dan's Father had it labelled a Kinjutsu. After performing a string of hand seals, Dan shapes an immense portion of earth into hundreds of earthly dogs that launch themselves from the ground towards his target(s). A pack consisting of exactly a thousand hounds. These dogs are composed entirely of compacted mud. Because it creates such a magnificent number of hounds, it is thought impossible to use without surrounding earth.

Upon their creation, these hounds all share one thought. To destroy Dan's targets. Viciously attacking those he wishes. Launching themselves at bullet speeds. A rapid barrage of continuous hounds that disappear upon contact. One after another, never ending hounds biting, ripping off what they grasped upon. Leaving nothing behind once finished.

It is a technique that reshapes an entire battlefield.
