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Naruto Fanon Wiki
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This article, Flight Technique (Omega), is the property of Dark Wing. No user is allowed to edit or interfere in any way with the content in the page unless specifically permitted by the owner.
editFlight Technique Camera font awesome
Kanji 飛翔の術
Rōmaji Hishou no Jutsu
Appears in Anime, Manga, Game
Classification Ninjutsu
Rank A-rank
Class Supplementary
Range Short-range
Other jutsu
Parent jutsu

The user manipulates the graviton particles, in an unknown and apparently unconscious manner, to defy the forces of gravity. Under one Earth gravity, they are capable of speeds of amazing speeds in Earth's atmosphere. Their control of their flight is very precise and they can perform aerobatic feats such as hovering, flying backwards and even lifting great weights while flying. It is not just flight by ignoring gravity it is actually flying by unconsciously controlling their own personal gravity and simultaneously altering their environment's gravity, making easier for one to move at speeds exceeding Mach-2.
