Naruto Fanon Wiki

Alias(es) Gaara of the Sand (砂の我愛羅, Suna no Gaara)[1], Gaara of the Sand Waterfall (砂瀑の我愛羅, Sabaku no Gaara, English: Gaara of the Desert)[2], Fifth Kazekage (五代目風影, Godaime Kazekage, Literally meaning: Fifth Wind Shadow), The Golden Child (黄金の子, Kogane no Ko), The Golden Child (黄金の子, Kogane no Ko), Prince of the Sand Waterfall Gourd (砂瀑の瓢箪王子, Sabaku no Hyōtan Ōji, English TV: Prince of the Sand Gourd)[3]
Kanji 我愛羅
Novel Naruto: A Shinobi Story
Appears in Novel
Character Status
Status Alive
Birthdate Capricorn January 19
Age Part I: 12–13
Part II: 15–17
Gender Male Male
Height Part I: 1.46–1.48 m
Part II: 1.66-172.5 m
Weight Part I: 39 kg–40.2 kg.
Part II: 50.9 kg.
Blood Type AB
Clan Kazekage Clan
Family Rasa (Father)
Karura (Mother)
Temari (Sister)
Kankurō (Brother)
Shikadai Nara (Nephew)
Yashimaru (Uncle)
Affiliation(s) Sunagakure Symbol Sunagakure
Allied Shinobi Forces Symbol Allied Shinobi Forces
Occupation(s) Kazekage
Regimental Commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces
Commander of the Fourth Division
Rank Part I: Genin
Part II: Kage
Classification Jinchūriki
Sensor Type
Ninja Registration 56-001
Academy Grad. Age 12
Chūnin Prom. Age 14
Team Three Sand Siblings
Fourth Division
Kekkei Genkai Nature Icon Magnet Magnet Release
Tailed Beast Shukaku (Forms)
Nature Type
Nature Icon Magnet Magnet Release
Nature Icon Wind Wind Release
Nature Icon Earth Earth Release
Shinobi Technique: Feigning Sleep Technique
Kekkei Genkai Techniques: Air Sand Protective Wall, Armor of Sand, Concealed Sand Picture Cat, Desert Layered Imperial Funeral Seal, Desert Suspension, Desert Wave, Desert: Hand, Monstrous Sand Arm, Prison Sand Burial, Quicksand Waterfall Flow, Sand Binding Coffin, Sand Binding Prison, Sand Bullet, Sand Castle Wolf Horn, Sand Clone, Sand Drizzle, Sand Hail, Sand Mesh, Sand Pillar, Sand Restraining Technique, Sand Shuriken, Sand Spear, Sand Sword, Sand Waterfall Funeral, Sand Waterfall Imperial Funeral, Shield of Sand, Successive Shots Sand Drizzle, Third Eye, Ultimately Hard Absolute Attack: Spear of Shukaku, Ultimately Hard Absolute Defence: Shield of Shukaku
Wind Techniques: Wind Release: Breakthrough, Wind Release: Great Breakthrough, Wind Release: Infinite Sand Cloud — Great Breakthrough, Wind Release: Multi-Layered Gale, Wind Release: Sand Buckshot
Gold Dust, Sand, Sand Gourd, Sealing Tag

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Gaara (我愛羅) is a shinobi of Sunagakure. He was made the jinchūriki of the One-Tail Shukaku before he was born, causing the villagers of Suna to fear him as a monster. He is the youngest of the former Three Sand Siblings who greatly feared him for his power and bloodlust. With nobody to connect to, Gaara grew up hating the world and looking out only for himself, giving his life meaning by killing anyone he came across. After being defeated by Naruto Uzumaki — a jinchūriki like himself who found strength in his friendships—Gaara starts emulating him. As a result, he became Suna’s Fifth Kazekage (五代目風影, Godaime Kazekage, Literally meaning: Fifth Wind Shadow) so that he can protect the village and all those who live there, dispelling the fears he cast on the villagers.



Gaara's dream

Gaara’s deepest desire of having a happy childhood.

Gaara was consistently warm to others during his early life. Although most of Suna’s villagers feared and despised him, he was able to persevere due to the love that he felt from Yashamaru and his mother. His father, Rasa, believed these niceties were impeding Gaara's development as a jinchūriki and as such had both taken from him: he ordered Yashamaru to try and kill Gaara and if he were to fail, to tell Gaara that neither he nor Gaara's mother had ever loved him. Rasa's plan succeeded, as following Yashamaru’s death Gaara stopped trying to connect with people. Rather, Gaara focused on himself, driven solely by his own desires and his own survival.

During his years of caring only about himself, Gaara becomes infamously known as “Gaara of the Sand Waterfall” (砂瀑の我愛羅, Sabaku no Gaara, English TV: aara of the Desert). Though he outwardly appears calm, “Gaara of the Sand Waterfall” is deeply unbalanced, completely unmoved by others’ pleas for mercy, and, in certain situations, driven mad with bloodlust. This behavior is partly due to Shukaku, whose voice Gaara alone can hear in his head, who encourages violence at every opportunity, and who torments Gaara with threats to take control of his body if he falls asleep, thus making Gaara an insomniac. But Shukaku is not wholly responsible: Gaara simply hates other people for existing, believing that so long as they are alive, they are a threat to his own life. His purpose, therefore, is to kill anyone who is strong or whom he perceives as similar to himself, as only by killing them can he assert his own existence. With those who do not interest him, Gaara is typically withdrawn and silent. When he must interact with them, he does so with open disregard for their feelings and often threatens to kill them, even his own siblings, if they become too much of a nuisance to him.

Gaara’s background is very similar to that of Naruto Uzumaki: both have been jinchūriki since the day they were born, both were hated and scorned by almost everyone in their village, and both were raised without a parent’s love. But whereas Gaara eventually gave up on other people, Naruto continued trying to win the acknowledgment of his peers and village, pursuits he eventually succeeds at. Whereas Gaara seeks strength only in protecting himself, Naruto seeks strength in protecting the friends he makes. When the two fought during the Konoha Crush and Naruto defeats Gaara, Gaara took this as proof that his own choices in life were wrong; he had surrendered to his difficult circumstances too easily. From that point onward he starts moving away from “Gaara of the Sand Waterfall” and started emulating Naruto instead, improving his relationships with his siblings, making friends within Suna and without, and finding something that he is willing to give his life to protect. His relationship with Shukaku did improve somewhat when he told the tailed beast he used to hate it but was grateful to the beast because he was able to meet Naruto due to the painful life Shukaku made him endure.

Gaara becomes Suna’s Kazekage by the start of Part II, signaling the success of his emulation of Naruto. As Kazekage, Gaara becomes much wiser than most people his age when he took on the role. He forgave his father for trying to assassinate him as he was only trying to protect the village. Gaara also gains a new purpose in life by dedicating all his energy to serving the village and those who live there. Although he retained some detractors, most of the villagers adore him and will do what they can to help him reform Suna and the rest of the world. Even this reform is very much inspired by Naruto, as he wishes for the Five Kage and their hidden villages to cooperate and benefit from each other in the same way that he has benefited from Naruto’s influence, Gaara believes in forgiving past differences and strife, abandoning antiquated concepts of “honor” that only promote isolation and serving a purpose greater than one’s self. As in Suna, this unity that Gaara advocates is slow to catch on, for a time only gaining support from Naruto’s own Konohagakure. By the time of the Fourth Shinobi World War, however, the Five Kage are convinced by Gaara, and this in turn starts trickling down into the larger Allied Shinobi Forces.

Despite his history of cruelty and young age during his ascent to Kazekage, Gaara attains the love of his people by showcasing his idealism, compassion and willingness to reform himself. A man of few words, Gaara leads by example, an assertive, thoughtful, and collected presence in the heat of diplomacy and battle, who willingly puts his life on the line for his friends and allies. Gaara’s way with words, astuteness, and integrity earned him the respect of the older, more experienced Kage. Gaara’s touching speech before the Allied Shinobi Forces produces a resounding response and is able to mend the rift between the Five Great Shinobi Countries. Gaara’s superlative leadership abilities lead to his posting as Regimental Commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces.

Gaara feels indebted to Naruto for how significantly he has changed since his time as “Gaara of the Sand Waterfall”; he considers Naruto his closest friend and believes all the tragedies of his childhood were worthwhile since they led him to meet Naruto. He takes part in the Fourth Shinobi World War not simply because he believes Akatsuki must be stopped, but because by doing so he can keep Naruto safe. Gaara’s desire to protect Naruto, at times, means acting against Naruto’s wishes: he knows Naruto would want to participate in the Fourth Shinobi World War to protect his loved ones, but feels Naruto would be safer if he were forbidden from doing so. Just like before, however, Naruto’s desire to protect his friends gets through to Gaara, as he does not argue with his participation in the war after accepting, he made an error in judgment. Gaara often cites his own experiences as “Gaara of the Sand Waterfall” during his interactions with Sasuke and others who suffer hate and loneliness, explaining the missteps that he did not realize he had made until he met Naruto so that they, in turn, might realize their own. His words do not always convince them, but Gaara is able to empathize with their choices and, as with Sasuke, he even wonders if Naruto could get through to them, just as Naruto got through to him. Despite his stoic demeanor, Gaara is empathetic and in touch with his emotions, freely shedding tears at Sasuke’s refusal to change his ways, and at the revelation of his mother’s love for him.

Gaara retains some social awkwardness as an adult.


Gaara (first) Part I

Gaara at the start of Part I.

Gaara (second) Part I

Gaara at the end of Part I.

Gaara has fair skin, green eyes, and short spiky auburn hair. He lacks distinctive pupils or eyebrows; the latter of which others sometimes make fun of. He has had tanuki-like black rings around his eyes his whole life, which Gamabunta attributes to insomnia. As a child, he carved the kanji for “love” (愛, ai) on the left side of his forehead, which his hair is parted in order for it to be kept visible. In Part II, many girls in Sunagakure start to consider Gaara handsome.[4]

Gaara (Full Body)

Gaara in Part II.

Gaara (Allied Shinobi Forces)

Gaara during the Fourth Shinobi World War.

At the start of Part I, Gaara wore a black body suit with an open neck, t-shirt-like sleeves, and almost full-length leggings. With this, he wore a white cloth over his right shoulder and the left side of his hips. He had a wide leather band from his left shoulder to his right hip with which he carried his sand gourd and around which he wrapped his forehead protector. In the early chapters of the Naruto manga, he was also shown having several earrings. His appearance is mostly the same at the end of Part I, though he switches his previous black body suit to a reddish-brownish one with longer sleeves and an upright collar, and wears mesh armor on his wrists and ankles. In Part II, Gaara wore a long-sleeved crimson coat and full-length dark trousers with a pair. Over the coat, he wore two buckled belts, a grey vest held in place by a single strap over his left shoulder, and two buckled belts which he also used to carry his gourd. On certain occasions, he wears the typical Kazekage garb and during the Fourth Shinobi World War, he wears Suna’s typical flak jacket.

Gaara (New Era)

Gaara during the New Era.

In adulthood, Gaara dons a crimson long-sleeve shirt with several buttons and pants that match the color of his shirt. He also wears a brown belt and now has a smaller sand gourd which is strapped to his left side.


320px-Sky Sand

Gaara shields his entire village from Deidara’s C3 explosion.

Having been trained since infancy as Suna’s “ultimate weapon”, Gaara was exceptionally strong even as a child, effortlessly killing the countless assassins sent after him.[5] As a genin, he became known internationally for completing B-rank missions.[6] He also set the record time of completing the Chūnin Exams in the Forest of Death, and unscathed;[7] a feat normally incapable for a chūnin.[8] By Part II, Gaara becomes Suna’s Fifth Kazekage, tasked with leading and protecting the entire village. His fellow Kage initially doubted his worthiness due to his young age, but come to respect him by the Fourth Shinobi World War, where he was appointed the commander-in-chief of the Allied Shinobi Forces’ combat divisions.[9] The reincarnated Kage that Gaara fought, including his father, also came to approve of his abilities after he defeated them.[10] He could hold his own against five of Madara Uchiha’s Susanoo-clad wood clones for some time.

Chakra and Physical Prowess[]

Gaara has large reserves of strong chakra, a fact Akamaru recognizes even before Gaara has performed any technique. His chakra levels are partly because he was the jinchūriki of Shukaku, but even after Shukaku is removed from his body in Part II, there is no noticeable difference in his performance. In battle, Gaara tends to stay away from his opponents and rarely uses taijutsu.


Gaara’s nature transformations include Earth and Wind Release, the latter he often mixes with his sand to increase its speed and coverage area. He can use his Magnet Release which he inherited from Rasa to increase the density of his chakra and sand, thereby strengthening his defenses, while also using any sand-based attack which is limited by his chakra, skill, and imagination which are nearly limitless.

Sand Manipulation[]

320px-Gaara Attempting To Kill Lee

Gaara manipulating sand.

As Shukaku’s jinchūriki, Gaara is able to manipulate sand. He carries a supply of sand wherever he goes in a gourd, which itself is made from sand. This personal sand is infused with his own chakra, allowing him to deploy it faster and manipulate it more precisely. If he needs more sand, he can either use sand from the surroundings or, if there is not any, use his personal sand to break down minerals in the ground to create some;[11] these secondary sand supplies require more chakra to control. Gaara’s ability to manipulate sand remains even after Shukaku is removed from his body. Indeed, upon seeing how much sand Gaara can control at once, the Fourth Kazekage wrongly assumes it is Shukaku itself doing so.[12]

Shield of Sand

Gaara’s Shield of Sand.

Gifted with powerful defensive ninjutsu, Gaara’s usual tactic is to remain stationary in battle, using his sand to attack opponents from afar. The attacks typically follow the same formula: capture and immobilize the target, such as with the Sand Binding Coffin, and then crush all parts of their body, such as with the Sand Waterfall Funeral. If opponents are able to get close enough to attack him, Gaara’s Shield of Sand automatically protects him from all threats, even those he is not aware of; the Shield of Sand is commonly thought to be Shukaku’s doing, an act of self-preservation, but it is actually Gaara’s mother, Karura, whose love protects Gaara even after her death.[13] If the Shield of Sand is penetrated, either through speed or brute force, Gaara also has access to a secondary Armor of Sand covering his body; however, it requires an impractical amount of chakra to maintain for long periods of time and weighs him down.[14] Nevertheless, Gaara's sand is extremely effective at keeping him safe, earning fame as an “absolute defense” and allowing him to go years without experiencing a single injury. By adulthood, Gaara’s Shield of Sand’s defense increased tremendously, able to shrug off attacks that Sasuke Uchiha’s Majestic Attire: Susanoo could not.

Jinchūriki Transformations[]

Main article: Jinchūriki Forms (RW109)Shukaku is a very valuable resource in a battle for Gaara but, like all tailed beasts, becoming able to use it effectively takes a great deal of time and effort on Gaara’s part. During their first conversation when Gaara was a child, Shukaku warned Gaara that it would take control of his body and start killing people if he ever fell asleep, preventing Gaara from getting a full night’s sleep for the duration of his time as a jinchūriki. Even while awake, Shukaku’s powers were a constant risk, causing the young Gaara to inadvertently kill those around him and, in moments of particular stress, unleash Shukaku upon Suna. Gaara is able to keep Shukaku in check under normal circumstances by Part I.


Gaara partially transformed into Shukaku.

Like all jinchūriki, Gaara can transform into his tailed beast. Whereas other jinchūriki achieve this transformation using only chakra, Gaara does so using sand: by layering sand onto parts of his body, he transforms those body parts into human-sized versions of Shukaku’s. The more of his body that is transformed in this way, the more his speed and strength increase. As a consequence, however, Shukaku’s personality starts influencing his own the more advanced the transformation, making Gaara increasingly homicidal; he has seemingly mastered the transformation enough by Part II that he can at least create Shukaku’s arms without this happening. In his Tailed Beast Mode, Gaara creates a full-sized Shukaku form, which he ordinarily remains safely deep within. By emerging from the form and putting himself to sleep, Gaara can transfer control of the body to Shukaku itself.


Gaara is a sharp and innovative fighter. His large array of sand-based jutsu is crafted by and unique to him. He has an eye for detail, able to quickly identify his opponents’ vulnerabilities, and acts on his observations with his versatile sand. He was acknowledged as the “Golden Egg” by the Second Mizukage due to his high intelligence. He also displayed a mastery in deception, as he was able to trap several powerful opponents in various occasions.

Part I[]

Chūnin Exams[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Chūnin Exams (Arc)

Konoha Crush[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Konoha Crush (Arc)

Sasuke Recovery Mission[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Sasuke Recovery Mission

Part II[]

Kazekage Rescue Mission[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Kazekage Rescue Mission

Five Kage Summit[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Five Kage Summit (Arc)

Fourth Shinobi World War[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Fourth Shinobi World War (Arc)

Birth of the Ten-Tails’ Jinchūriki[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Birth of the Ten-Tails’ Jinchūriki


  • The name “Gaara” literally means either “self-loving demon” or “self-loving silk” (我愛羅).
    • When Gaara was first named in the English Shōnen Jump, his name was rendered as “Gāra” (which is incorrect as the 2 “a”s in his name separate in its furigana rendering as opposed to an extended vowel).
  • In the Naruto character popularity poll, Gaara is one of four characters to have always placed in the top ten of every poll.
  • In the Live Spectacle Naruto, the role of Gaara was played by Kenta Suga.
  • According to the databook(s):
    • Gaara’s hobby is battling[15] and cultivating cacti.[16]
    • Gaara’s favorite foods are salted tongue and gizzard, while his least favorite are yōkan and marron glacé.
    • Gaara and Naruto are both the same weight and height by Part II.
    • Gaara wishes to fight Sasuke Uchiha[17] and anyone if it is for the sake of his village.[18]
    • Gaara has completed 34 official missions in total: 0 D-rank, 9 C-rank, 8 B-rank, 14 A-rank, 3 S-rank.
    • Gaara’s favorite words are, in the first and second databook, “love for oneself” (自愛, jiai), and in the third databook, “affection” (慈愛, jiai) and “future” (未来, mirai).
  • One of Shukaku’s previous jinchūriki foretold that one day someone would show it the meaning of the words which were tattooed on his own hands: “accept” (受, ukeru) and “heart” (心, kokoro). The tattoo on Gaara’s forehead, “love” (愛, ai), is a combination of these two kanji.
  • In 2019, Masashi Kishimoto revealed that he was going to give Gaara the name Kotaro (小太郎), before his editor suggested Gaara instead.


  • (To Naruto and Shikamaru) “I am a relic they want to get rid of, so why do I exist and live? In order to exist, you need a purpose. To exist for no reason is the same as being dead…Then I came to the conclusion that I would love only myself and fight for only myself. If all other people exist to magnify that love, then there is no more a splendid universe than this one…My existence will not vanish.”[19]
  • (To Sasuke) “You have the same eyes as I do…the eyes, filled with hatred and death, that long for strength…just like mine…your eyes tell me how badly you wish to kill the one who put you through the hell called loneliness.”[20]
  • (To Rock Lee) “You're the same then. When you feel the honor of your idol under scrutiny…you become enraged, as if it were your own honor being questioned. The more precious your idol is to you…the harder you fight for him.”[21]
  • “Perhaps the companionship of an evil person is preferable to loneliness.”[22]
  • (To Kankurō) “I will work hard, because I want to become acknowledged by others. That’s what I thought when I look at Naruto Uzumaki. Bonds with others…Up until now, I only known them as hate and murderous intent. But I wonder, what is that bond he longed for? Now I understand, even only a little. Pain, sadness…and joy. These feelings allow you to understand others.”[23]
  • “This is where it all starts for me. Starting with this small bond. I too want to become someone who is needed, instead of a weapon that is feared. And as the Kazekage of Sunagakure.”[24]
  • (To Naruto) “I think of you as a friend. I used to think “friend” was just another word…Nothing more, nothing less. But when I met you, I realized what was important was the word's meaning.”[25]
  • (To the Allied Shinobi Forces) “There are no enemies here because we’ve all suffered at Akatsuki’s hand! So there is no Suna, no Iwa, no Konoha, no Kiri, and no Kumo! There are only shinobi!”


  1. Naruto chapter 129, page 15
  2. Naruto chapter 35, page 17
  3. Boruto episode 24
  4. Naruto chapter 280, page 5
  5. Naruto chapter 97, page 15
  6. Naruto chapter 39, page 13
  7. Naruto chapter 57, page 19
  8. Naruto chapter 58, page 4
  9. Naruto chapter 515, page 14
  10. Naruto chapter 548, page 14
  11. Naruto chapter 215, page 14
  12. Naruto chapter 546, page 9
  13. Naruto chapter 547, pages 13-14
  14. Naruto chapter 83, page 9
  15. Second Databook, pages 62-66
  16. Third Databook, pages 60-63
  17. First Databook, pages 50-55
  18. Third Databook, pages 60-63
  19. Naruto chapter 97, pages 15-17
  20. Naruto chapter 127, page 10
  21. Naruto chapter 217, page 14
  22. Naruto chapter 217, page 16
  23. Naruto episode 120
  24. Naruto: Shippūden episode 182
  25. Naruto chapter 475, page 13
