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Katana SecImage.jpga406baaf-ed11-4a61-aef3-e2051f9733b7Large
Kanji グラスカッタ
Viz Print Media Grass Cutter Sword
Alternative names Ironwoman’s Sword (鉄の女の剣, Tetsu no on'na no ken)
Novel Naruto: A Shinobi Story
Appears in Novel
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Kura Shunsoku

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Gurasukattā (グラスカッター, Literally meaning: Grass Cutter, Meaning (Viz): Grass Cutter Sword) was the name of the sword wielded by Mina Shunsoku. It has an ovular handguard and hilt wrapped in black ornate bandages and a square-shaped pummel.

As a tradition in the Shunsoku clan, once Mina married her Toshirō Shunsoku, she had to forge a sword of her own and learn kenjutsu. She succeeded and exhibited great skill, dexterity, and speed with her new blade. She earned the moniker Ironwoman (鉄の女, Tetsu no on’na) after Uzushiogakure’s destruction. Using Gurasukattā, she can perform Iaidō with Chakra Blade which cut down enemies with little effort.

After, they moving to Konohagakure in the Land of Fire, Mina retired to become a housewife, putting Gurasukattā on display at the clan compound’s living room; however, she kept her skills sharp whenever she was alone and would begin teaching her son, Shindō, once he attended the Academy. She would use Gurasukattā against the masked man who attempted to kidnap a young Naruto Uzumaki. Shortly before she died, the sword was kept in Shindō’s possession until he forged his own and he would pass it on to Kura Uzumaki in her goal of mastering both the Thunder Dance and Dance of the Maelstrom.
