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"Let us bear witness to this historical moment together."

This article, Himawari Uzumaki (NejiHyuga2), belongs solely to the Yuheng of Liyue Qixing and cannot be utilized without her permission. You will find yourself cut down if you dare to touch this article without her permission. If you wish to use the contents of this article, make a concise request on her message wall.

This article, Himawari Uzumaki (NejiHyuga2), is a part of an alternate universe.

This article, Himawari Uzumaki (NejiHyuga2), is currently under active construction. The author, User:NejiHyuga2, apologizes for the inconvenience.

Himawari Uzumaki
Himawari Uzumaki (Infobox)
Name Himawari Uzumaki
Kanji うずまき向日葵
Romanisation Uzumaki Himawari
Voice Actors
Personal Status
Birthdate March 27
Age 3 (Blank Period)
9-10 (New Era [pre-timeskip])
12-13 (New Era [post-timeskip])
Status Alive
Gender Female
Height 96 cm (Blank Period)
136 cm (New Era [pre-timeskip])
? cm (New Era [post-timeskip])
Weight 19 kg (Blank Period)
35 kg (New Era [pre-timeskip])
? kg (New Era [post-timeskip])
Blood Type A
Clan Hyūga Symbol Hyūga Clan
Uzushiogakure Symbol Uzumaki Clan
Family Yoake Hyūga (Paternal Great-Grandfather)
Hizashi Hyūga (Paternal Grandfather)
Yuzuki Hyūga (Paternal Grandmother)
Hiashi Hyūga (Paternal Granduncle)
Neji Hyūga (Father)
Minato Namikaze (Maternal Grandfather)
Kushina Uzumaki (Maternal Grandmother)
Wakame Uzumaki (Mother)
Mizakura Uzumaki (Step-Aunt)
Boruto Uzumaki (Brother)
Keika Uzumaki (Sister)
Hinata Hyūga (First cousin once removed)
Hanabi Hyūga (First cousin once removed)
Kawaki (Adoptive Brother)
Affiliation Konohagakure
Rank ???
Ninja Registration ???
Academy Grad. Age 11
Kekkei Genkai Byakugan Byakugan
Nature Type Nature Icon Lightning Lightning Release (Affinity)
Nature Icon Wind Wind Release
Nature Icon Water Water Release

Himawari Uzumaki (うずまき向日葵, Uzumaki Himawari) is a major recurring side character in the third and final saga of Diaries of the Hidden Waterfall, a long-form fanfiction by User:NejiHyuga2.

The second daughter and youngest child of the Seventh Hokage, Himawari is a citizen of Konohagakure. She is also a member of the Uzumaki Clan and a direct descendant of the Hyūga Clan and is currently a student in Konoha's Academy.






