This article, Hisashi Hyūga, is property of Legendary Super Saiya-Jin 4. |
The article Hisashi Hyūga is a part of the Dreamscape Project, and follows its guidelines accordingly. |
The article Hisashi Hyūga is a part of the Naruto Arashi, and follows its guidelines accordingly. |
"Listen, I know I'll be gone for a while but I promise you that I'll return. I always do don't I? Just remember what I told you, I'm Always With You." |
Hisashi Hyūga, also known as Konoha's White Blur, is a well-known shinobi from Konohagakure. He is a full-fledged jonin and a member of the Hyūga Clan, and a direct descendant of the Kaguya Clan. He was the former Head of the Hyūga Clan, until he passed the title over to his twin brother, Hitoshi Hyūga. He is known for his outstanding speed, instantaneous reflexes, and phenomenal visual perception and insight. Hailed as one of the fastest shinobi to ever live, he has traveled the world bringing peace and prosperity wherever he goes, doing his best to maintain peace as a member of the Shinobi Union.
In Dreamscape, currently, he has returned to his hometown, now as a member of SAISEI, intending to create chaos so that the current governmental system of the world would be torn down. Allowing it to built anew and create an era of true peace and prosperity this time.
Hisashi Hyūga has fair skin, light grey white eyes, and long white hair with a slight silver hue that flows down his back. His hair glows pure white when exposed to light, emitting a unique white streak when in motion, especially at night. He typically wears a black and white kimono with his clan's crest embedded onto it, as a symbol of nobility. Beneath the kimono, he has several layers of white bandages wrapped around his chest and torso, covering up the various battle scars he has obtained when he was younger, as well as undergarments and black pants. His lower legs and his feet are also covered in white bandages, and he commonly wears tan sandals.
He has been described as looking mysterious and eerie, giving off a slightly ominous vibe at times. Aside from his typical attire, he also wears the signature leaf shinobi uniform on very important occasions.
Hisashi is quite simply put, a very strange person. As a child, he was upbeat, outgoing, energetic, and very intelligent. Whenever someone would ask a question, he would almost always already know the answer. They would be shocked by that, and always ask him "How did you know that?" and he would simply say "It's obvious isn't it?" to the point that it became a little running gag.
He later formed a rivalry with his younger twin brother, Hitoshi, and his personality changed. He focused on constantly getting stronger and improving in order to beat his brother at everything, and even then his brother still had him beat in some areas. But they were considered about even more or less. This rivalry with his brother extended to them both fighting over who should become the next Head of the Clan, as many people had believed that it was going to be Hitoshi anyway, which angered Hisashi greatly causing him to grow feelings of resentment towards his brother.
Basically, he became very determined, serious, stubborn, and a know-it-all. However, that didn't stop impede his rising skill at all, as he still flew through the ranks quickly and proved himself to be among the strongest in the village. If anything, his rivalry with his brother helped motivate him even further, allowing him to progress at an alarming rate.
Despite his rivalry, and it's influence on him, he still retained some of his old personality. He was usually friendly with people, treated them nicely, and was just a helpful person in general. He was focused on doing whatever he could to help others and improve in anyway he possible could. He refused to let bad things happen to other people, and would gladly sacrifice his own health in exchange for protecting them.
He could be annoying at times, bragging about all of the things he knew, and how good he was at this or that which made him come off as kind of arrogant. But nonetheless, he was still a good friend to have and you just couldn't hate him. He had a habit for exploration and adventure, randomly vanishing and leaving his friends for a few days or sometimes a few weeks with no warning at all. His motto was "I'm always with you" believing that it doesn't matter where he is physically, as long as he's alive in his friend's hearts, then he's still there and always with them.
Some considered this ideal kind of childish and naive, but others saw deeper meaning in it and could understand what he was trying to stay. Although they still tend to get annoyed by him suddenly vanishing without a trace. Regardless, they still like him and enjoy his company despite the weird things he does. Such as commonly staring people directly in the eye for no real reason at all, or mumbling things to himself.
Eventually, after the events that happened involving his younger brother almost dying, his father being nearly killed, and him becoming the Head of the Hyūga Clan. Hisashi's personality matured greatly, and he had finally made up his mind about life. Currently, Hisashi is described as a optimistic, outgoing, respectful, calm, composed, mature, helpful, and compassionate person. He has defeated numerous small factions that have threatened to cause problems as well as saved the lives of many people within small villages and towns over the world, and he has spent much time with them getting to know them and even helping many of them rebuild and educating the poor ones. Overall, Hisashi has become a very caring figure to many and as a member of the Shinobi Union, has helped keep peace over the years to ensure that no more pointless and stupid wars start again, making him much more mature and respectable then he ever was.
Naoki and Hanabi's Story[]
You see, back before Hanabi even met Hisashi's father, she had a previous boyfriend, named Giichi Hyūga. Giichi Hyūga was a young and arrogant man, having family members who were apart of the former main branch of the clan, and thus he believed he was superior to many.
During this time, Hanabi was a grown woman who had become the new head of the clan, surpassing her own father. As the head, she knew she would need to marry someone eventually to continue her lineage. Her father and many of her friends within the clan had attempted to arrange a marriage between her and Giichi, believing it to be for the best. However, upon witnessing the happiness that her elder sister Hinata Hyūga had with Naruto Uzumaki, and the beautiful children that they had conceived together. She realized that perhaps she wanted to be with someone outside of her clan, as it is usually common tradition for the head to marry within their own clan to keep the blood strong.
But this was a new age, her sister had married outside of the clan, Choji Akimichi had married outside of his, so had Ino Yamanaka, and even Shikamaru Nara. They all had long and happy marriages and had raised wonderful children perfectly fine. Hanabi decided that she wanted this, and lost interest in marrying any of the men within her clan. As she knew that the Hyuga had been the most close-minded clan within all of Konohagakure. Although they had already long since removed the main branch and side branch system, they still followed some rather outdated and illogical customs.
Before Hanabi was able to express her feelings, and tell the young man Giichi that she had no desired to marry him, her clan had received an urgent letter from their old allies, the Taketori Clan. The letter had told them that their village was under attack by some strange hooded shinobi, who had possessed the ability to manipulate their bone structures. Believing this to be survivors of the Kaguya Clan, and with the Hyūga being the strongest clan in the leaf ever since the demise of the Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan, Hanabi and many of her fellow kin were sent to deal with the threat.
Once they had arrived, they had engaged in an intense battle with the large number of strange shinobi. It appeared that they truly members of the Kaguya Clan, and the battle had nearly destroyed the Taketori's entire village with there being large casualties on all sides. However, the Hyūga had won the battle in the end and among the dead bodies of the various Kaguya, they had come across one that was still alive. They all prepared to kill the man, but Hanabi quickly remembered that on her way to the village, with her Byakugan, she had seen that man apparently defending the Taketori and fighting his own clansmen. This made her quickly jump to defend the man, explaining what she saw, and pleading for them to spare him.
They all agreed to spare him due to their head's demands, however, they all agreed that he should be brought in for questioning. Hanabi agreed to this, and thus the man was brought back to the leaf to be interrogated. Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara, Ibiki Morino, Ino Yamanaka, and others had all attempted to extract any information they could from the man. Although they did it in moderation, and had to be gentle with their methods, as Naruto, as the current Seventh Hokage, had ordered them to do. This, however, got absolutely nowhere as he apparently couldn't remember anything. Ino's attempts to enter his mind had been blocked as his mind was filled with many Mental Barricades, in order to prevent any kind of extraction of information.
They all figured that eventually his memories would return on their own, and then he would tell them all that they knew. However, constantly being in a hostile environment with people interrogating him and threatening him, despite Naruto's orders, would not be for the best. So Hanabi asked Naruto if she would be allowed to take the man back home with her so that she could watch over him and help him regain his memories in her peaceful home. Naruto quickly agreed, and Hanabi had taken the man home with her. As time passed, Hanabi had developed a good friendship with the man and his memories slowly returned, he even ended up remembering that his name was Naoki, Naoki Kaguya.
Eventually, Hanabi and Naoki had developed romantic feelings for one another and fell in love. Giichi Hyūga, had noticed that Hanabi had been acting strangely, and fearing that the man Naoki would "steal" her from him. Attacked Naoki in the middle of the night with killing intent, hoping that he could win Hanabi over by displaying his assassination skills. This backfired greatly, as Naoki quite simply put, kicked his ass and left Giichi incapacitated. Due to his actions, Giichi was sent to the hospital and later arrested for attempted murder. This helped Hisashi and the others realize that Giichi wasn't the right man for Hanabi, and once Hanabi had revealed to everyone who she truly loved, although not that happy with it, he accepted it and dealt with it.
Finally, Naoki had finally remembered everything, and he decided to tell Naruto and the others all that he knew. His name was Naoki Kaguya, a Kaguya clone bred in a lab alongside other Kaguya clones, and the one's behind this was nothing more than Orochimaru's remaining followers who had gotten their hands on some of Kimimaro's DNA. He believed the reason that he was softer than the others in terms of personality, is because he had inherited Kimimaro's personality stronger than the others as well as his battle prowess. This made Naruto further realize that there was still threats out there that needed to be dealt with, and so he created a small task force that's main goal was to find and destroy all of Orochimaru's hidden bases around the world.
A few years passed, and eventually Naoki and Hanabi had happily married. Hanabi became pregnant with twin boys, and gave birth to them after nine long months. Their names were Hisashi Hyūga and Hitoshi Hyūga.
Hisashi's Story[]
Hisashi was born alongside his younger fraternal twin brother, Hitoshi Hyūga, to Naoki Kaguya and Hanabi Hyūga. As a child, he and his brother were quickly recognized as being prodigies among the clan, both born with great intellect, charisma, and battle prowess. They both inherited their mother's famous kekkei genkai, the Byakugan and her clan's innate ability to manipulate all of their tenketsu. Uniquely, Hitoshi had also inherited his father's kekkei genkai, the Shikotsumyaku.
Many members of the clan believed that Hitoshi would most likely become the head of the clan in the future and surpass his brother because of his extra kekkei genkai. Which made him stronger than his own brother at the time, although Hisashi's Byakugan was always stronger. This sparked a rivalry between the two brothers, making them dislike each other and making Hisashi do all that he possibly could to surpass his younger brother. As the years passed, both of the brothers became hailed as "Prodigies of the Hyūga", being the two strongest members in the entire clan surpassing all others before them, including their late cousin Neji Hyuga and their grandfather Hisashi Hyūga. They became Genin at age 10, Chunin at age 11, and inspired to become Jonin in the coming years.
One day, while off on a mission together Hisashi and Hitoshi encountered a mysterious threat. A highly skilled jonin who was a medical-nin that was very proficient in the use of lethal poisons. Despite their rivalry, the brothers also possessed decent teamwork, and were able to hold their own against the man. Unfortunately, during battle Hisashi and Hitoshi had both became infected with his poison. The man ended up separating the two of them and proceeded to nearly kill Hitoshi. Secretly, Hisashi had awakened a brand new dojutsu, that he would name the Yogengan. But he wanted to save it until towards the end of battle to defeat the man so that he could prove he was better than his brother. But with things not going as planned and his brother's life on the line Hisashi decided to unveil his new dojutsu anyway and used it's power to kill the man after an intense battle.
Afterwards, their father, Naoki had arrived and he took them both home to get treated. Hisashi was able to be treated quickly, however, due to his alien body structure, due to possessing Shikotsumyaku, Hitoshi was unable to be healed so quickly. The poison also contained some type of deadly virus, that quickly went viral throughout Hitoshi's body and evolved into something life-threatening. Hitoshi had entered a coma and even medical-nin as skilled as Sakura Haruno was unable to heal him, as she had never dealt with such an odd physiology before and the strange poisonous virus had continued to mutate and evolve rapidly making it very hard to restrain and cure.
Realizing that if he had just used his dojutsu from the start, this would have never happened, Hisashi started blaming himself for the current condition his brother was in. This made Hisashi immediately request the tutelage of the famous former Hokage, Lady Tsunade. Who reluctantly agreed to train him. A few months passed as Hitoshi fought for his life dealing with the progressive virus, and Sakura Haruno was the only thing keeping him alive, although that wouldn't last very long if something wasn't done soon.
Hisashi displayed tremendous skill and raw talent in medical-ninjutsu, surprising Tsunade and even maker her jealous, yet happy to see how determined he was to save his brother's life. One day, despite Sakura's best efforts, Hitoshi's body had reached a critical state and had begun to start breaking down. He was knocking at death's door, and Sakura believed that she wouldn't be able to save him. Hisashi got word of what was happening, and rushed to the hospital to confront his dying brother. He cried hysterically begging his brother not to die, as he employed a combination of the medical-ninjutsu that he was taught and the gentle fist in order to attempt to save his brother. He did all that he could, saying that he was sorry for being so arrogant and not stopping the man when he could have. However, despite his pleas, his brother had seemingly died. Causing Hisashi to collapse the ground out of exhaustion and depression as his both his best friend and rival had died before his very eyes over something so trivial such as showing off.
Luckily, mere moments later, Hitoshi's heart had started beating again and his body began healing itself. The poison was already removed a while ago, but now the virus that was clinging onto his cells was now eradicated. Hitoshi survived thanks to Hisashi's efforts, and had begun to make a recovery. Hisashi cried tears of joy and asked if his brother would ever forgive him for his actions, which he did, fixing the messed up bond between the two brothers and ending their silly rivalry.
From this point on, Hisashi became an incredibly skilled medical-nin over the years who surpassed both Tsunade and Sakura. He and Hitoshi both became Jonin, among the strongest ones in the entire village, and some of it's most influential people. Known for having completed hundreds upon hundreds of missions and helping to make not only the Land of Fire, but many smaller countries safer too.
During a mission, their father, Naoki, had encountered a strange individual, and they both fought each other. The strange man ended up nearly killing Naoki and then seemingly vanished in thin air, and the brothers had to come to their father's aid. After he was saved, he told them that the man was his "identical twin brother". In other words, he came from the exact same strand of DNA that he did, he was twin clone. All the clones come from Kimimaro's DNA, however, they're typically infused with the DNA of other random people so that they wont be carbon copies. However, Naoki and his twin were basically exact clones of Kimimaro with only slight genetic modifications, making them much stronger than the rest. His brother's name was Noritaka, and his only goal was to revive the Kaguya Clan and get revenge on the Leaf and the Taketori Clan, which is where he was headed next.
Upon learning this, Hisashi and Hitoshi went out to confront their "uncle" and after a very long, tiring, intense, and destructive battle they ended up defeating him and killing him, with Hisashi landing the killing blow. They believed Noritaka was the last surviving member of the Kaguya Clan, except for their father of course, and hoped that they wouldn't have to face anymore in the future. Shortly after it all ended, their mother Hanabi Hyūga had quit being the Head of the Clan and passed on the title to her eldest son, Hisashi.
While sleeping in his bed one day, Hisashi experienced a vision of the future, one of his Tengoku Byakugan's powers. One filled with death, destruction, hatred, sadness, and war. This made him realize that there must be something bad on the way, and that he must do all that he can to prevent it. But how could he find out what might cause these problems, and why? He could see into the future, but he had no control over it and all he got was vague images. So he made up his mind, he would pass the title over to his brother, and he would leave the village for a while to travel the world and make sure that no more wars would happen. After more than 2 years, Hisashi would return only to find that things aren't as peaceful as he had hoped they would be.
As a prodigious member of the noble Hyūga Clan, Hisashi is an immensely powerful shinobi. Ever since he was little, he was hailed as a prodigy and said to have the potential to surpass all other members of his clan before him. He was always the top of his class, no matter what year, and was considered an idealistic genius by many, which some believed to be a oxymoron in of itself.
He became a genin at age 10, a chunin at age 11, and a jonin at the age of 14. A testament to his prodigious talent and skill, as almost no one ever becomes a jonin that young. Upon becoming a jonin, he was considered to be one of the strongest jonin the village and could become hokage one day. Nowadays, he is considered to be one of the fastest shinobi to ever live in history.
Chakra Prowess[]
As a member of the Hyūga Clan and son of a Kaguya Clan member, Hisashi was born with good reserves of very strong chakra. His chakra has been stated to be very potent in comparison to the other clan members and quite impressive. However, his true talent lies in his phenomenal level of chakra control. Throughout his entire life, even as a child, Hisashi was prodigious in all forms of chakra control, this is partly due to his clan's unique ability to manipulate all of the tenketsu in their bodies. He possess so much skill with it, that he is capable of drawing chakra from any part of his body perfectly with such precision that he can utilize any technique to it's fullest extent in an instant. It's through this that he uses his signature fighting style, his Chakra Enhanced Speed, this bolsters his already high level of speed to gargantuan levels. Capable of blitzing almost every single opponent he has ever faced over the years. He moves so fast that he is hardly visible, appearing as nothing more than a white streak of light. As he is known for having long glowing white hair on top of his Byakugan, and it is one of his most notable features. Earning him the nickname Konoha's White Blur due to this. This is done by focusing his chakra into his legs and feet with superb control, and then by releasing it with pinpoint timing during each footstep. He uses this on his arms and hands as well, using it to increase their speed exponentially rather than their strength, unlike Chakra Enhanced Strength. Although, this makes his attacks much weaker, but that isn't a problem as the Gentle Fist art relies on using minimal external force on opponents anyway. So this doesn't hinder him in anyway.
He also uses his excellent control to use Chakra Enhanced Reflexes, by focusing his chakra throughout his entire body, he can drastically increase his reaction speed, allowing him to dodge multiple incoming projectiles, catch things mid-air, avoid complicated attack patterns, catch dozens of falling objects, and block several attacks at once. This pushes the natural reflexes to their absolute limit, allowing his body to react instantaneously to any attacks thrown at him, it works incredible well in conjunction with Chakra Enhanced Speed that focuses on movement speed.
He can also use Chakra Enhanced Senses, by focusing his chakra into specific senses, this allows him to drastically augment his senses for maximum awareness in any situation. He can use this to completely control all of his senses, able to weaken or even disable his other senses to enhance a certain set of specific sense greatly. When using the technique, his hearing increases so much that he can pick up on any conversation in a village over a mile away. His smell increases so much that he can detect the origin of a small piece of fabric by smelling it once, although it has limited distance, regardless, it grants him a sense of smell on par and even better than that of some Inuzukas. With his increased taste he can taste poison or blood in the air, and track down it's location, this goes hand-in-hand with his smell.
The greatest enhancement this ability grants is increased vision and perception. His natural vision is increased so much that he can see the world with amazing clarity, color, and distance greatly surpassing that of the normal human being. He can use this ability to see at night or to see through things such as fog or villainous smokescreens. The perception it grants allows him to process information that would normally be too fast to see, making all kinds of objects appear to be moving much slower than usual allowing him to react to them much quicker than usual. If he combines the enhanced vision and perception with his Byakugan, his visual prowess is enhanced significantly. Enhancing all of his Byakugan's abilities even further and allowing him to see nearly everything.
He also uses his excellent control to use Chakra Enhanced Thought, allowing his brain to process information dozens of times faster than before, further increasing his already great reflexes to ridiculous levels and amplifying his perception and the perceptive abilities of his Byakugan much further. This also allows him to better understand the workings of jutsu itself allowing him to learn them much faster as well as increasing his concentration, further increasing his chakra control to unfathomable levels. Meaning that this technique and all of his other techniques are much easier to use with each use, reducing the amount of concentration needed to perform this to nearly zero. Allowing him to execute even the most taxing and complicated of jutsu in an instant with a one-handed single hand seal or not any hand seals at all.
His mastery over his chakra allows him to use multiple Chakra Enhanced abilities simultaneously without any effort involved. Although it should be noted that these abilities are closely related to one another if not directly connected to each other. By combining Chakra Enhanced Speed, Reflexes, and Senses he becomes nearly untouchable. Capable of moving at insane speeds and reacting to almost any attack instantaneously, as the world appears to be moving much slower than usual to him.
The absolute peak of his chakra control is seen through his mastery over the Strength of a Hundred Seal, which allows him to store massive amounts of chakra into a single point on his forehead and then release it for future use, something only a handful of people in the world can do. He has learned to go above and beyond it's normal conditions, capable of still building up his own chakra while channeling it into the seal to not hinder him in battle. Once the chakra is released he can use it to execute certain techniques such as the Ninja Art Creation Rebirth - Strength of a Hundred Technique that makes him pretty much immortal. On top of this, he can also transfer the chakra to others or channel it's tremendous amount of chakra directly into a single person. Causing the seals to spread all over them as well, granting them the same healing abilities.
The amount of chakra stored in the seal is immeasurable, as he had mastered this technique during his teenage years, and has been storing chakra in the seal every single day for more than fifth teen years. His chakra is a bright golden color, similar to that of the Sun during the day.
As a member of the Hyūga Clan, Hisashi was born with their signature kekkei genkai, the famous Byakugan. Hisashi has fully mastered his Byakugan, possessing such skill with it that it is unrivaled among the clan, not even his own brother's Byakugan can keep up with it. His Byakugan grants him 360 degree vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the above the third thoracic vertebra. Upon it's activation he is immediately granted a 50 meter field of vision that he has extended up to approximately 500 kilometers, which can be extended even further through certain techniques.
He can use it to see through all solid objects, smokescreens, and even ninjutsu barriers. It can tell the difference between non-corporeal clones and the real person and see through techniques that hide the user from sight. It can magnify in on the smallest of things, keep up with high-speed movement, see in x-ray, infrared, and night vision.
Despite all of this, the absolute greatest ability of the Byakugan is that it can be used to see chakra in all of it's forms. Capable of seeing the chakra flow, the chakra pathway system, someone's chakra natures, and even the color of chakra allowing him to differentiate people based on their own unique chakra signatures. It can tell when genjutsu is being used due to the change in chakra flow within a person's body and can discern transformations from the real person via their chakra. Basically, it possesses the greatest visual prowess out of all the dojutsu there is. It's due to this prowess that the Hyūga's signature fighting style can be employed, the fearsome Gentle Fist.
The Yogengan is a unique dojutsu that Hisashi awakened on his own, unique to only him. It possess the ability to see chakra, chakra flow, and the chakra pathway system. It's main abilities though, is it's Nagare (literally meaning "Flow") abilities. In the right eye, he possess the ability known as Jinsei Nagare which allows him to see the past of all living things on the planet. Allowing him to analyze his opponent's past and learn about all of their techniques and how to counter them, and how they work, making it very easy to discover his opponent's weaknesses with only a single glance.
In his left eye, he possess the ability known as Seika Nagare which allows him to see the past of all non-living things on the planet. Allowing him to gain a much greater understanding of the world and it's inhabitants, as well as trace the history of any specific thing back as far as a thousand years ago.
With both eyes, he can use the ability known as Tengoku Nagare which allows him to combine both abilities to see the history of everything, both living and non-living things, as well as the uncontrollable ability to see visions of the future sporadically, and the ability to view the world in slow motion. This tremendously increases his perception, making everything seemingly move much slower to him, almost as if time has stopped. Granting him the ability to dodge, counter, or block most attacks easily. It's greatest ability, is Asu Nagare which allows him to accelerate the speed of his own body by about one hundred fold. Allowing him to dodge virtually any attack, even if he is literally cornered on all sides. However, Asu Nagare consumes a massive amount of chakra and leaves him severely exhausted, so he has to use it with caution.
Taijutsu and Physical Prowess[]
As a master of taijutsu, Hisashi naturally possesses great agility, dexterity, and reflexes. He is capable of both dodging and striking his opponent rapidly in succession without any wasted movement at all. His movements are always fast, fluid, clean, and precise, allowing him to get the job done quickly.
He is very fast, possessing great raw speed, senses, and perception. He dodges almost all attacks thrown at him, redirects them, or completely counters them. Surprise attacks hardly ever work, as he is almost always able to react to them in time no matter the scenario. He has trained his senses to be great enough so that if anything were to happen to his eyes, he could rely on his other senses to fight effectively, allowing him to fight in many different types of environments without being helpless. It's because of this, that he also uses the Chakra Enhanced Speed, Body Flicker, and Flying Thunder God techniques to utilize his quick-paced fighting style to it's fullest extent.
Gentle Fist[]
As a member of the Hyūga Clan, Hisashi specializes in the famous Gentle Fist fighting style. Through the usage of his Byakugan, he is able to see the chakra pathway system as well as the tenketsu located all over it. The tenketsu control the flow of chakra within the entire body, and can be used to either completely halt or increase the flow of chakra. The Gentle Fist fighting style relies on surgically injecting some of your own chakra into the opponent's body when striking their tenketsu, forcibly closing them and preventing them from using chakra for a limited time. Basically, it grants complete manipulation over the opponent's chakra pathway system.
When the chakra pathway system is damaged, so are the internal organs, as the chakra pathway system is closely intertwined with it. So whenever the chakra pathway system takes damage, so does the internal organs, which can be incredibly fatal. This allows Hisashi to target specific organs, allowing him to kill his opponent's in a single strike if he targets the right organs and strikes them precisely. For example, he can strike someone in the heart, causing it to rupture subsequently killing them instantly with a single blow.
In order to use the Gentle Fist, one must possess great skill in the manipulation and mastery of their own chakra pathway system. As a Hyūga, Hisashi was naturally born with the ability to manipulate every single tenketsu in his body. Automatically granting him superior chakra control than that of other humans, except for his fellow clanmates. This already excellent chakra control can be further improved and refined by training in the art of the Gentle Fist to perform extraordinary feats.
Hisashi is capable of expelling chakra from any of his tenketsu in order to slow and impede incoming projectiles, release himself from chakra-based substances, and even create a sensory barrier around himself to makeup for his Byakugan's blindspot. Although, that isn't a problem for him as his other abilities can compensate for that.
Hisashi is capable of using dozens upon dozens of his clan's techniques with incredible skill and precision. He has mastered the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm, Gentle Step Lion Fist, and countless other techniques. Possessing a vast arsenal of many offensive, defensive, and supplementary techniques that can be used in every situation for all kinds of things. He uses the Gentle Fist in perfect conjunction with his Chakra Enhanced Speed, the Body Flicker Technique, and the Flying Thunder God Technique to rapidly strike his opponents so fast that it appears as if nothing happened. Allowing to easily and completely decimate most opponents in an instant making him very formidable.
He has complete understanding and knowledge behind the workings of chakra and the two energies that makeup it's existence. Capable of using his Byakugan to target the weak spots in any technique, and then force his chakra into it and push it outwards to disperse the technique. Even if the chakra is flown throughout it evenly, he can still disperse it regardless, even powerful elemental techniques.
Finally, through his understanding that the stronger your chakra flow is, the more power you obtain, Hisashi has developed a technique similar to the legendary Eight Gates. He calls it the Eight Trigrams Tenketsu Release. This allows Hisashi to release all of his tenketsu in moderate set amounts, allowing him to greatly enhance the flow of chakra throughout his body in empower himself, rather than to execute a single technique at once. This grants him power comparable to that if the Eight Gates itself, significantly enhancing all of his abilities. Overall, Hisashi is a true master of the Gentle Fist.
Hisashi is well-versed in many of Konohagakure's jutsu, granting him great versatility on the battlefield in terms of ninjutsu. His signature ninjutsu is hair manipulation jutsus that take full advantage of his long shining white hair to bind, impale, or block incoming enemy attacks, further giving him the nickname Konoha's White Blur. He possesses the Spirit Transformation Technique, that he uses to make his spirit materialize and leave his body to possess his opponents and force them to do whatever he wants them to do. This technique can also be used to possess and save allies, as well as capable of transferring chakra directly into them and healing them too.
He can use the Shadow Clone Technique, all of it's variations, and multiple elemental ninjutsu, including yin and yang release respectively, although he cannot use yin-yang release. He is very skilled in using the Body Flicker Technique. Capable of using it to move so fast that he seemingly vanishes into thin air. When combined with his Chakra Enhanced Speed, he completely vanishes leaving behind no trace of his existence at all. Even the best sensors claim that they can no longer sense him and that he is nowhere to be found. When he uses the technique, he leaves behind white leaves, and can perform it without the need of hand signs. Able to use multiple ninjutsu simultaneously with a one-handed single hand seal or even no hand seals at all.
Hisashi is a master of medical-ninjutsu, surpassing even Sakura Haruno and Tsunade in all it's nature. He has been known to be capable of curing diseases that have been considered impossible even by Sakura's standards, as his usage of Gentle Fist and the Byakugan allows him to gain a much greater understanding of the human body and chakra than those who lack it, such as Sakura and Tsunade.
He is capable of applying the Mystical Palm Technique on a circulatory level, capable of using it on the entire chakra pathway system. Allowing the body to heal at exceedingly fast rates, capable of repairing chakra pathway systems that have been completely annihilated or sealed by some kind of fuinjutsu.
He can use medical-ninjutsu to harm his opponents or even kill them instead of healing him, showing that it can be used to not only possess beneficial properties but also toxic properties as well. He can employ this when using Gentle Fist, allowing him to surgically inject toxic chakra into his opponent's body to quickly weaken and disable them if not outright kill them.
His greatest medical-ninjutsu ability is the Creation Rebirth which he learned from Tsunade while under her tutelage. Unlike Tsunade, Hisashi has mastered it to such a level that he is capable of fully repairing old cells, instead of hastening the production of new ones. Therefore, his lifespan isn't affected by the technique at all. Something that greatly surprised Tsunade and Sakura as well. The absolute pinnacle of his abilities is the Ninja Art Creation Rebirth - Strength of a Hundred Technique. Which allows him to instantaneously heal from all wounds he takes without any hand seals or conscious effort at all, making him immortal while this technique is active. His mastery over it is so high that as long as his head is intact, regardless of what happens to his body, he will survive. This is because his brain is capable of fully regrowing his entire body through it's muscle memorization of it being there combined with the endless supply of healing chakra it has to keep itself alive and fully functional.
Space-Time Ninjutsu[]
Hisashi Hyūga is a user of the Flying Thunder God Technique, possessing great skill with it comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. By placing a special seal formula on any desired object or person, he is able to enter a dimensional void to instantaneously teleport to where he placed the seal. Allowing him to teleport to anything that he marks with the seal. The technique can teleport anything that Hisashi is in contact with including anything connected directly to his chakra, allowing him to teleport other, although the size of the object is relative to how much chakra it requires, but that isn't a problem for him due to his Strength of a Hundred Seal.
His greatest usage of this technique is that he primarily uses it to literally mark his opponent's tenketsu. Allowing him to teleport directly to them and strike them before they can even react. Once marked, the seal never goes away, especially if placed on them where they can't see it, beneath their skin.
Nature Transformations[]
Hisashi is skilled in nature transformation, he is a proficient wielder of fire release, lightning release, and water release. He can also use yin and yang release, which he employs to use genjutsu and medical-ninjutsu. Hisashi has a strong affinity for fire release, and is capable of using various fire release-ninjutsu from small fireballs to large flaming dragons.
With lightning release, combined with his medical knowledge and gentle fist, he can use it to paralyze opponents and even scramble their nervous system and leave them helpless. Or he can simply channel his lightning release chakra through numerous different objects in order to shock and bind his opponents.
With water release, Hisashi can combine his regular medical-ninjutsu to employ medical water release, which uses water release in perfect conjunction with medical-ninjutsu to achieve a higher level of medical-ninjutsu that is very effective on all living things.
Like most things, Hisash is also skilled in genjutsu. Through his Byakugan, he can significantly enhance the range of his visual genjutsu. Capable of casting it on a massive amount of people within the entire battlefield. He usually uses this to trick and confuse opponents to leave them disoriented and helpless.
Naruto Arashi[]
- Hisashi means "Always with you" and Hyūga means "towards the sun" or "place in the sun", meaning that Hisashi's name can literally be translated as "Always with you towards the sun" or "Always with you place in the sun" representing the bright and sunny aspect of his personality.