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The World Teacher

Jinpachi Budō


(ぶどうじんぱち, Budō Jinpachi)

  • Banjunan no Jinpachi (万受難之陣八, バンじゅなんのじんぱち) [1]
  • Bō-chigiri (棒ちぎり, ぼうちぎり)★
  • Engigawarui (縁起が悪い, えんぎがわるい)★
  • Ganbōinokami (願望意神, がんぼうイかみ)★
  • Sansai no Sandaimenomikoto (三災之三代目之尊, さんサイのさんダイめのみこと)★
  • Yasomagatsuhinokami (八十禍津日神, やそまがつひ)★


Birthdate Astrological Sign Aries April 4
Gender Gender Male Male
Species Human
Age 27
Status Alive
Height 190 cm
Weight 64.8 kg
Blood Type A
Kekkei Genkai Nature Icon Dark Dark Release
Classification Part I: S Icon

Part II: SS Icon

Occupation Mystic
Affiliation Jashin Symbol Jashin Cult (Leader)

JashinIn Jashin Inner Sanctum (Lord)

Partner Jigaishiki Ōtsutsuki
Team Hikarakuyo Hikarakuyō (Former)
Clan BudoClan2 Budō Clan

Current Residence

Country Megamureru Bokusochi Land of Three Seasons
Province Tamahomeboshi Prov Icon Tamahome Boshi
Position Gokenin (御家人) 28th
Previous posn. Unknown Symbol


Ninja Rank Gokenin
Ninja Registration 0727211
Academy Grad. Age 9
Chūnin Prom. Age 12
Jōnin Prom. Age 16
Gokenin Prom. Age 23

Yuishiki Ōtsutsuki(Creator/Genetic Template)

Nature Type
Unique Traits

Can produce dark chakra. He also emits a palpable pall of Evil Intent which induces subconscious fear, despair and hopelessness


Jinpachi Budō (ぶどうじんぱち, Budō Jinpachi) is an influential member of Jashin and the leader of Jashin Inner Sanctum (邪心内陣, じゃしんないじん, Jashin Naijin) whose goals are avowedly undisclosed from the rest of the unfledged Jashin members. A man of artistic elegance and an inwardly calculating misanthrope, Jinpachi bears a dark superstition within the Land of Three Seasons. In some circles within the Cult of Jashin, Jinpachi's name is synonymous with dread and terror. The virulence of his name has earned him the moniker of Engigawarui (縁起が悪い, えんぎがわるい, Literally meaning: Bad Omen), as every step he takes and wherever he may lay his hand it would leave an indelible stain. This stain is Jinpachi's flagship. Ever since his birth within an Jashinist Ceremonial Hall, the other Jashinist signified it as an inharmonious prelude. Moving through the ranks, Jinpachi utilized his naturally produced dark chakra which expedited the process along with the successfulness of Jashin's sacred immortality ritual and under insidious circumstances, he formed a jujutsu of insurmountable complexity.

Jinpachi eventually became in the pioneer in the Jashinist Arts along with other occult techniques and with his insurmountable skill, he climbed until he reached the auspicious position of Yasomagatsuhinokami (八十禍津日神, やそまがつひ}, Literally meaning: Kami of Disorder), one of acknowledged authority. This position is considered the position closest to Jashin and has autocratic power within the Cult of Jashin. He draws his power from the fathomless depths of suffering caused by his fanatics. Upon taking his "birthright", Jinpachi has expanded the ideals of the Cult of Jashin and that his followers must appease himself with an annual sacrifice. He believes that every human heart is entangled in a paradox of good and evil. Jinpachi deems it is inescapable. His goal is to not merely spread word of his religion through Jashinist "missionaries'" but to bequeath Jashin's will to the hearts and mind of every individual that exists to create perpetual bloodshed and discord and with enough violence to allow "Jashin" to cross over. Thus embellishing a crucifying ideology and signifying the "End of Days".


Early Years

On that fateful night within the Land of Three Seasons, dreams and visions were surpassed. His birth quiet, without fanfare. No signals of praise from the members of Jashin's Inner Sanctum and with every breath he took, the world began to change.

An Inflexible Decision

A Solemn Utterance of Destiny


"...and to think, I hesitated."


A true Jashinist zealot and the key that sets the organization in motion. His compelling faith is infallible even though it originally stemmed from an impetuous desire of erudition. The unknowingness. Jinpachi boasts imminent perplexities due to him refraining to always say less than necessary. Even within the Jashin Inner Sanctum, Jinpachi's silence arouses both suspicion and disdain. However, members of his indescribably violent cult are somewhat forced to acknowledge and interpret every word he speaks. Therefore, an audience with Jinpachi often leaves one fumbling in the dark and confused by his vague responses. It's difficult to figure out Jinpachi's stance which makes his actions arduous to predict this also makes him difficult to please simply because no one knows his desires. Behind his sparseness of words, an entire realm of pandemonium and mayhem is being devised. Despite being the figurehead of perhaps the world's most violent organization, Jinpachi wields a an astonishingly brutal composure. He is utterly emotionless and is perhaps the most polite individual one could ever meet. Just by standing near him, individuals of even the highest skill are haunted with a chill an unearthly foreboding and an unshakable evil intent.

In his youth, Jinpachi was incessantly agitated with violent and contending emotions. His mind was reminiscent of a vague jumble of chaotic impressions. The magic of joy and life were casted away and the profane was burned into his mind. Upon being gradually introduced to the heretical doctrines of Jashin, Jinpachi discarded every wind of ethics and became smitten or rather impassioned with the sensation power that Jashin had given him. In a sense, he became a devoted evildoer. The weary soul of man was his for the taking. He became contemptuously indifferent to the emotions and opinions of others. By using the Sensing Technique, you could just feel that Jinpachi gave his ear to an entity of false glory. He sacrificed his "humanity" for an etheric kinship with the Desired God (願望意神, がんぼうイかみ, Ganbōinokami). He surrendered himself to gloomy thought unadulterated violence and he would fall into the blackest melancholies. Jinpachi refrains from making needless allies and believes that his own abilities should suffice, though no trace of arrogance leaves his lips. His passion to Jashin is contagious, even beckons the most prideful individual to serve his cause and for most, he is the graven image of the cult.

Jinpachi's presence is truly striking and despite his current position, he displays unrivalled ambition. He pays heed only to achieving ascension to his messiah. His lust for carnage and the profane is utterly insatiable. The juxtaposition of politeness with a heavy dose of unreasonable violence is what makes the other members of the organization adhere to his decisions and obey his every word. Jinpachi states that the Cult of Jashin is fueled by slaughter but even then it is not gratifying enough. Though a dark superstition, members believe that mindless violence is not an means to an end but merely a declamatory treatment. The most dedicated followers are truly monstrous in battle and their urges are nearly uncontrollable once started. This is Jinpachi's domain. He urges the members of the Cult of Jashin to appease their god and to receive its blessings. Within the Cult of Jashin, Jinpachi is known to be far more knowledgeable in comparison to the members of the Inner Sanctum. With promises of forbidden knowledge, insidious gifts and boundless immortality, Jinpachi is the very definition of a manipulator.



Chakra and Physical Prowess


Dark Release



Reincarnation Ninjutsu




Jinpachi is a man who has unraveled the mysteries of the flesh.



  1. Jinpachi of Ten Thousand Agonies, an epithet granted to him by the Jashin Inner Sanctum