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Kekkagan is an article created by Touching theblurredmess, hence usage or editing of the aforementioned piece of work requires her explicit permission to do so. Referencing is allowed so long as due credit is given. The abstinence of plagarism is greatly appreciated.

Under Construction
"The village isn't all they left us. We're still here."

This article, Kekkagan, is currently under active construction by the author(s) of whom this article's property falls under.
Other Transparent Eye of the Blood World (血界透眼, Kekkai Tōgan)
Appears in Anime, Manga, Movie
Classification Dōjutsu
Basic Natures

The Kekkagan (血霞眼, meaning: Blood Mist Eye) is the dōjutsu kekkei genkai of the Ryuketsu clan. Despite its powers originating from the Ōtsutsuki Clan, it is a forgotten eye because of its invisibility and secretive nature of its wielders.


The history of the Kekkagan can be traced backwards to it's first user Riku Outsutsuki. Due to his lack of knowledge over chakra like his brothers Hagoromo and Hamura, it was initially perceived as ordinary ninjutsu seeing how naturally it came to him, until the idea of dōjutsu was introduced by his wife, Yui Yuki. Despite recognizing its presence, it was not fully developed until its passing down to his son, Yuu Ryuketsu, who have militarised it beyond it's usage for basic survival. After him, the Kekkagan existed at the birth of every Ryuketsu and continued to remain unknown outside their clan.

Initially it stayed that way, even after their inclusion of Konohagakure, because a general shinobi task force hadn't been formed yet. Only intimates of Ryuketsu shinobi, to which then it is disclosed to. Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha were the first clan outsiders divulged with its information, because of their close relationship with Takeo Ryuketsu. Eventually beyond the Hokage and those select few individuals, it's existence was briefed to important officials and other clan leaders for matters of village security and military cohesion, but it was still possible for it to remain vague or unknown to lower-ranked shinobi or those who haven't worked directly with a Ryuketsu ninja.

As part of Konoha's Trump Card, the Kekkagan is a classified ability and forbidden under law to be shared with outsiders of the village.


It's activation is invisble to the naked eye, but the user's lens will turn into a red hue, while the appearances of all the blooded creatures in their range will be muddied with the color of their blood. The Kekkagan seeks out blood, so it will penetrate through anything, be it - objects, barriers, underground or even through other beings to have it in its grasp. As long as it's within their sphere of vision, no blooded creature can escape its sight.

It's most primal ability is improving the Ryuketsu's Lifeblood Sensing Technique by increasing it's range. Because of it's simplicity, it's might wasn't as explored as much because it was understood just as a simple upgrade they can make with a little chakra to ease their days as a wandering clan. But eventually it turned into a vital military weapon when more and more wielders became shinobi. They can now recognize specific bloodlines, be able to read and intepret the blood in further detail.

The larger part of it's utility comes from the fact and how blood wraps around the chakra pathway system, which firstly allows the user to clearly differentiate between chakra and non-chakra users. It may seem like a boring or insignificant skill but it becomes crucial in ensuring an absolute minimal or eradication of innocent non-combatant casualties. This passageway allows recognition and access to an individual's chakra signature and status including it's current capacity, potency or if another entity (especially tailed beasts) lives within.

Despite so, if a Ryuketsu is already adept in the Sensing Technique, they would prefer not to use the Kekkagan if it achieved the desired outcome, as using the Kekkagan yields the same consequence as any other jutsu of the Blood Release. But many times not, because concealing one's blood is impossible unlike chakra, and that mastering one's own dōjutsu is often easier.

Similarly like it's brother, the Sharingan, it detects the employment of genjutsu on themselves, others and it's caster. Following so, it grants reasonable predictive abilities, enabling it's user to a degree anticipate their opponent's next move. It is a product of their chakra sensory abilities and understanding the specific movements blood makes when manipulating chakra for different techniques.

The Kekkagan's exact range varies from user to user, but it can be improved with practice and training. Be that as it may, the shinobi would still generally have a better hold of it compared to regular Ryuketsu folk. One of it's best visual representations can be seen through Akane, when at her optimum condition and at a full chakra capacity, can view ten kilometers away from her at all directions.

Work In Progress (TTBM)


  • It is classified as a dōjutsu because according to users, its activation is of 'awakening a third eyeball within'.
  • The derived form of the Kekkagan is the Ketsuryugan, which was first manifested in Riku's other son, Ken Chinoike.