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Welcome to the Naruto Fanon Wiki! We have been editing 38,316 articles since we were established in 2006.
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The Naruto Fanon Wiki, founded in 2007 by LaviBookman, is a wiki of fan-invention based in the Naruto universe. Here, we allow users to create their own fan fiction stories, characters, jutsu, etc., as well as allowing them to collaborate together in what is known as a roleplay; where fan fiction writers can write stories together, pit characters against each other in fights, and even do comedy skits. Users are also encouraged to get to know each other, make friends, and communicate with each other via the Message Walls provided by Wikia to promote a friendly writing environment, as well as allowing them to collect feedback for their works. Our goal is constant improvement in quality to become the best Naruto fansite on the internet! |
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Kimi Sarutobi (キミ猿飛, Sarutobi Kimi) is a Kunoichi of Inazumagakure and professional animal rescuer in the land. A very dedicated woman that serves only her own ambition to protect and study the most exotic creatures on the planet, her work led her to many places untouched by humanity even discover new species. Her dream is to tame and raise as many of the planets most rarest animals on earth. |
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