This article, Nisashi Uzumaki, is property of Leogian4511. |
Nisashi Uzumaki (ニサシうずまき, Uzumaki Nisashi) is shinobi and medical-nin born into both the Uzumaki and Jūgo clans. Nisashi eventually left the village on his own and was found by a group of pirates. Unsatisfied and wanting to learn more on his own while using his talents for the welfare of others rather than violence, Nisashi took up residence in Uzushiogakure. While he currently spends his days in Uzushiogakure as a medical-nin tending to those who need it, his physique and condition have not faltered in the slightest. Nisashi never had the oppurtunity to enter the shinobi academy, and currently uses his time doing whatever he wishes, which usually involves travelling.
Nisashi is a quite tall individual standing at about 190 cm (6 feet 3 inches). He is caucasian, with a singular red eye (The other eye is covered by an eye patch that he wears just because he can). Just like many of his ancestors and living clan members, Nisashi sports red hair. He keeps his hair grown out quite long, going nearly halfway down his back in some places. He also features a very finely trimmed goatee, which he trims lightly every morning to keep it's defined shape.
When he was a child, Nisashi already sported longer than average hair, though at the time it was kept in a ponytail rather than just hanging freely. Nisashi made the change several years later when he training to learn sage mode. He decided that when he was becoming closer to nature, it just felt right to let his hair flow freely in the breeze. By the time his training in sage mode was over, Nisashi kept the style as it had begun to grow on him.
Nisashi could be considered to be at the peak of physical condition. He is 230 pounds of muscle and not much else, sporting a mere body fat percentage of 6%. Nisashi spends nearly any amount of time he has off of work, training either his body or his mind. It is due to this dedication that he able to maintain this nearly perfect physique. While many women of his village swoon over him, Nisashi for unknown reasons seems to show little to no interest in relationships at the current time.
When Nisashi enters sage mode, feathers sprout on the edges of both of his arms and large wings erupt from his back. His feathers are blue in coloration and release sparks and random times throughout the transformation. Nisashi also gains a lightning aura similarly to lightning release chakra mode. Powerful currents of lightning actually flow to both of his eyes, enhancing them and even restoring his missing eye for the duration of the transformation.

Nisashi's Appearance in Sage Mode.
In the majority of situations, Nisashi is seen as a very kind a charismatic person. He tries to avoid arguments and is known to show kindness to all put those who make threats on his life. When someone pushes his too far, he becomes far more serious and decides to take it upon himself to teach that person a lesson. If he manages to bring them around, he immediately returns to his kind nature and regularly offers to heal the person. If someone is making an attempt on his life and refuses to listen to reason, he will not hesitate to kill them in self defense. While many see Nisashi as a pushover that can not be angered, there are some things that even he refuses to accept. Nisashi can not stand people who blatantly disrespect others and will often go out of his way to teach them a lesson, before offering them a healing session and a cup of tea.
Despite his usual attitude, their is a different side to Nisashi that is not often seen. When he has been deprived of sleep, Nisashi becomes a completely different person. He becomes very easily irritated and down right angry. He will usually insult his opponent. Nisashi suffers from split personality disorder, and states of extreme drowsiness are his trigger for some odd reason. He does however retain the memories of what he said and did while in his drowsy state. Unlike what many would expect Nisashi's fighting is not hindered by his lack of sleep, as it makes his fighting style similar to that of the Drunken Fist. If Nisashi is ever lead to assume he's dreaming, he becomes more vulgar, more reckless, and seems to make references that no one understands for some odd reason.
Nishashi was born in Uzushiogakure to Jūgo father and an Uzumaki mother. Nisashi did not spend much time here as when he was just nine years old, his entire world began being torn apart. His father, whom for so long had successfully resisted the rage that is common amongst his clan, went on rampage throughout the village before being killed by ANBU. Several people were killed in his father's rampage, including Nisashi's own mother. With her dying break she imparted a special seal onto Nisashi, just below his right eye. It took all she had left in here to impart the seal on him, and with that she passed. Having sustained some quite serious injuries himself, Nisashi was shocked to he his woulds healing at an astonishing rate.
Despite all attempts to console him, Nisashi wanted to hear nothing of the matter and left the village on his own just a few weeks later. Even at his young age Nisashi received instruction in both medical ninjutsu and taijutsu from his parents before their passing, Nisashi would practice these skills during his isolation. Nisashi separated himself from civilization out of fear that he would lose control of the power within his body. Nisashi spent nearly a year in pure isolation, surviving off of food he found in the wilderness, and meditating whenever he wasn't sleeping, eating, or training. Nisashi put all of his efforts in the year into honing his mind and body. He swore to himself he would not become the monster he father became. He would own this power of his and control it for his own benefit.
Nisashi at first did not understand why, but at random times it was though knowledge of medical ninjutsu was just gifted to him ,and he could not explain how or why. After a short while he realized it was the result of the seal beneath his eye. Through it he would gain all of his mother's skill in healing and otherwise, allowing him to learn at an incredibly fast rate despite both his age, and lack of a real teacher. He learned a decent arsenal of medical techniques in record time. One of the last techniques the seal imparted on him before becoming seemingly inactive for a long period of time and it remains so to this day. However, the seal did not only impart knowledge of medical techniques onto Nisashi during it's time of activation.
As it would turn out, Nisashi's father assisted in the creation of the seal as well, before his rampage. Nisashi's father actually has been quite the practitioner of taijutsu as well as the eight gates. His father had figured that occasional bouts of using the gates to exhaustion could keep his power from overflowing him and making go insane. Through the memories imprinted onto him by the seal Nisashi saw that his father had not trouble with the outbursts of energy for some time, and figured he had it under control so he lessened his training, leading to the catastrophic event. While Nisashi had a great deal of sorrowful feeling brought to him by the memories, several useful skills and abilities were gifted to him as well. He would gain knowledge of nearly all his parent's knew over the course of a year.
Whatever time Nisashi had that wasn't spent adjusting to information that was randomly being blasted into his brain, was spent meditating in order for Nisashi to strengthen his mind against the insanity that his surges of power attempted to bring upon him. Having spent whole days meditating on several occasions, Nisashi eventually developed the unique ability to convert the natural energy his body absorbed into chakra. Through knowledge of fuinjutsu gained from his mother, Nisashi stored all of his excess chakra within a Chakra Storage Seal. Feeling confident that he could now keep his urges in check by simply storing away excess energy, Nisashi felt he was longer a threat to society. However, having grown so accustomed to nature, he'd figure it a good idea, if he used his life to explore the world.
During this time he traveled many places, visiting various villages and meditating in nearly all places and climates that the world had to offer. With every passing day Nisashi stored more energy within his body and gained greater mastery of his techniques. After about two years the only place Nisashi had not been out to was the sea. He manged to convince a small fishing boat to take him out to sea with them. As Nisashi meditated at the hull of the ship, a storm struck. The fairly simple structure of the ship led to the storm being far too much for it to handle. The ship was blasted to bits and Nisashi himself ended up being struck by lightning in the process due to his elevated position. To his own surprise he survived but was left adrift in the sea with nothing but a crude raft made from what was left of the boat.
He fell asleep on that raft after several days, certain he would die. Then for the first time in nearly two years, the seal on Nisashi's body would activate once more. His muscles bulged, he felt energized and able to survive on, and he thanked both of his parents for the gifts they left him (he would later discover that he had been given knowledge of the famed Body Revival Technique. Some time after a ship passed him by and pulled him aboard. After talking with those aboard a ship he discovered that he had been found by the Mayonaka Pirates. The crew offered him a chance to stay and he saw no harm in it. He served as sort of a voice of reason amongst the group, though his words usually fell on deaf ears.

Nisashi's attire as a pirate.
During his time with the Mayonaka, Nisashi met Shenron Uzumaki. The two disagreed on many things but managed to grudgingly get along. The two could actually become something resembling friends when they trained together under Magai. Both of them learning several powerful seals as a result, as well as Nisashi learning some useful new medical technqiues. It was here that Nisashi discovered he had the capability to use the famous Adamantine Sealing Chains and created a few variations after practicing with them. About three years later however, the Mayonaka suffered a decline and the group began disbanding. Nisashi would be among those to leave as for the first time in many years, he would return back home. Back to Uzushigakure.
Shortly after his arrival, Nisashi was approached by Bobu Nomi (who was in disguise at the time) and asked if he would consider joining the group known as Mercs Next Door, Nisashi agreed. Although he came to this place to use abilities for the benefit of others, he did not want his life to be completely dull and boring. With the group Nisashi was taught several new powerful techniques to add to his arsenal. While Nisashi himself is unaware of it, many members of the group have interest in Nisashi and the ability of his subconscious to seemingly remove all possible limitations that would hamper Nisashi's abilities.
Having worked as medic nin for several years in Uzushiogakure, Nisashi was later greeted by a familiar face. That of his old aquaintance Shenron Uzumaki, whom offered him a chance to join the group known as Gakuinkisai, a place for prodigies around the world. While he did not prove to be worthy of being called the God of Healing, he did somewhat impress those who witnessed his abilities.
Unique Physiology[]
Due to a mutation before birth, Nisashi can not manipulate his body like other members of his clan, but he has a few unique permanent changes to his physiology. The first is most prominent of these is Nisashi unique blood. Nisashi's blood is super heated highly charged plasma, aka lightning. Due to his unique physiology Nisashi does not actually need to breathe, as his own body generates electricity via his chakra that powers the various parts of his body far more effectively than energy created through cellular respiration. Nisashi will not simply die if he runs out of chakra and therefore electricity, as he still has lungs and can still breathe in the place of his usual energization. This also means all of Nisashi work far faster than the average person by default and are adjusted to working at such paces and dealing with such immense amounts of energy. This makes lightning techniques nearly useless against Nisashi as his body is just used to the presence of lightning. As average shinobi can take hits from minor lightning techniques and continue fighting, Nisashi has been shown on several occasions to actually be struck by lightning during storms, and leave more annoyed for the noise ruining his meditation than anything else.
Life Force and Chakra[]
As an Uzumaki Nisashi possesses a naturally strong life force. Far stronger than that of those from other clans, Nisashi is capable of taking injuries that would cripple or kill most and continue fighting. Nisashi's life force is also enhanced through his constant training and usage of bioelectricity. Nisashi can literally force himself to power through pretty much anything. As is, Nisashi could be expected to live well past a hundred years old, however, if he so chooses to, he could use the body revival technique to extend his life indefinitely.
Nisashi's powerful life force makes him nearly impossible to put down in combat. While fighting Nisashi can take massive amounts of damage that would kill some through shock alone, and simply ingore it as he heals himself. Nisashi can lose massive amounts of flesh, break several bones at once, and even come close to being completely obliterated and with no psychological effects once he regenerates. Nisashi's life force is actually even greater when he enters his dream state. When Nisashi believes he's dreaming, he has been called by Bobu, who has witnessed it, to be a monster. He fights endlessly with no sign of slowing down no matter how intense the battle gets.
Because chakra takes time and a great deal of training to gradually build up, the key to its use is not actually having chakra but instead being able to sufficiently control and conserve it. This is called chakra control (チャクラコントロール , chakura kontorōru). In order to have good chakra control, a ninja should only mould as much chakra as they need to perform a given ability. If they mould more chakra than is needed, the excess chakra is wasted and they will tire out faster from its loss. If they don't mould enough chakra, a technique will not be performed effectively, if at all, likely creating problems in a combat situation. As a medical nin Nisashi has superb chakra control, to the point of being able to shape his chakra in nearly any way imaginable. Nisashi is a natural prodigy, being able to utilize 3 of the basic chakra natures to their fullest potential, and even showing a fair amount of skill in yang release. Nisashi's control is so great that he can manipulate the elements under his command seemlessly, without hand seals. Nisashi incredible chakra control, combined with his reserves and affinity for learning quickly, means that there is virtually no limit to what Nisashi could be capable of using in combat.
One the note of Nisashi reserves, they are massive. Nisashi reserves are part of the reason behind his skill in chakra control, as he had to force himself to control his chakra due to the sheer amount of it. Nisashi's reserves are practically limitless, as he constantly absorbs natural energy from his surrounding which he then converts to chakra. This means that Nisashi has a literally unending amount of chakra to draw from. While all excess chakra is kept within his Chakra Storage Seal, at any given moment he has enough chakra to rival the reserves of even the famed tailed beasts. Due to his constant generation of chakra, Nisashi can utilize usually taxing techniques and make it seem as though there was nearly no real effort on his part. Nisashi massive reserves are constantly being shown off, whether he creates massive balls of pure chakra purely to show that he can, or even going so far as to create his own army of clones, using constructs for mounts as well as weapons, Nisashi's reserves have been noted by some to be infinite. Nisashi has over a decade of excess chakra stored away in his seal. It is extremely rare that he ever actually uses that chakra, as he prefers to save it for a last resort. His usual favorite method if he pushes himself too far in a fight is to release a vast array of Adamantine Absorbing Chains throughout the area and bring natural energy to him in massive amounts, which is then converted to regenerate his reserves.
Nisashi's chakra is not entirely his own, he has chakra from the woman known as Sayuri Uchiha within his body due to a unique cursed seal that was placed on his heart. This cursed seal actually allowed Nisashi his first real usage of sage mode, as he had never been taught prior. This fortunate turn of events allows Nisashi the usage of sage mode and senjutsu chakra. Due to his constant intake on natural energy, the length of which he can sustain his sage mode is indefinite, however he loses his constant regeneration of chakra, as his natural energy must be used to power the sage mode. Nisashi normally prefers to only use this form when the situation calls for senjutsu chakra to counter any techniques his opponent may use that are weak to it. Nisashi accidentally removed this seal when he began experimenting with the Storm God Banishment Seal, as it forced all foriegn chakra out of his body. However he noticed little difference, as he had his senjutsu and no longer needed the cursed seal.
Nisashi's prefers to fight his enemies in close range whenever possible. As such he has learned several forms of Taijutsu. Nisashi natural physique is insane. Due to his permanent speed increase from his use of bioelectricity, Nisashi movements are several hundred times faster than normal and he can react and move at the literal speed of lightning. Nisashi has honed his body to the point that he can dodge, block ,and counter attacks while unconscious through sheer muscle memory alone. Through his pure skill and mental capacity, Nisashi is able to keep out and even outmatch technically faster fighters. Through his training with Magai Nisashi gained access to a unique nintaijutsu known as the Enlightened Palm.
Nisashi surrounds his hands in chakra similar to Mystical Palm; however it radiates with a heavenly glow. His strikes become more fluent and careful similar to the Hyuga's signature fighting style. His strikes are also more precise, aiming for vital areas. Nisashi's fighting style resembles that of the Gentle Fist. He uses his fingers for sharp pin point strikes in lethal areas which not only leads to deadly skin infections but acupuncture like outcomes. His strikes are fast and precise, as well as very painful. His fighting style is based off of Dim Mak. An art focused on deadly strikes with less than lethal force.
Whenever he strikes, chakra is released into their body. As Mystical Palm increases the rate of cell division in a persons body, Enlightened Palm increases the rate of bacterial growth. When in contact with enemies without wounds, his strikes cause a deadly skin infection which rots flesh and muscles. Even through clothing, an enemy will find their flesh burning away as if he had set them on fire. The more chakra he produces, the larger the infection and faster it spreads. So much so, by grabbing their neck, he could potentially kill them in a matter of minutes. His Enlightened Palm techniques makes hand to hand combat deadlier. Master medics can stop the infection if not negate it completely. However, those whose focus are on other fields can only amputate the infected area.
Eight Gates[]
With his natural skills and affinity for taijutsu combined with his exceptionally strong body Nisashi has gained the ability to use eight gates, due to his training which specifically worked to strengthen his body, Nisashi can at least activate the four Gates without seemingly being affected. Through His Father's teachings, Nisashi has learned how to open at least the first six of eight chakra gates, a feat that is difficult for even the most talented ninja, and as such he has come to even be regarded as a genius. Unlike most shinobi who possess this technique, he does not have a code that forbids himself from using the technique unless they meets that requirement. Nisashi possesses a technique that allows him to use the Eight Gates with little to no side effects, known as the Body Revival Technique. In most cases, when user uses the Eight Gates his or her muscles begin to wear down and tear. In Nisashi's case his Destruction and Rebirth cycle is far superior than any other human. Also with his Chakra Augmentation: Draconic Power Nisashi can virtually Negate the durability loss to his body caused by the eight gates. Most humans can only access less than 20% of their muscle potential but the eight gates uses chakra to "force" the muscles to work at much more power than they normally do, allowing the user to run at phenomenal speeds, pick up enormous weights, and much more at the expense of the muscles themselves. Once the Eighth Gate has been opened, they are practically unstoppable, but usually the user dies in the process. In the case of Nisashi, his enmormous reserves to keep the body revival technique going indefinitely, Nisashi can not only survive opening all eight gates, but do so with little to no drawbacks. Nisashi has also learned or developed a number of taijutsu that take advantage of the extreme power and speed he gains from opening chakra gates. Though Nisashi can open the chakra gates instantly. And still prefers to keep it hidden. The use of Body Revival actually allowed Nisashi to practice more with the gates than he would have otherwise been able to, thus allowing him to learn them far more quickly than he would have otherwise.
Gate of Opening(開門, Kaimon): The First of the Eight Gates located in the Brain, by opening this gate, Nisashi can remove the restraints of the brain on his muscles, which allows him to use 50% of his strength, whereas in normal condition he can only use 20%. By opening this gate can also use the Front Lotus technique.
Gate of Healing (休門, Kyūmon; English TV "The Gate of Rest"): located in the brain. Forcibly increases Nisashi's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body. With this he was able to sever several bones of susanoo in a single strike.
Gate of Life(生門, Seimon): located on the spinal cord. Allows Nisashi to use the Reverse Lotus. The increased blood flow turns the skin red. It also allows Nisashi to perform the Leaf Hot Wind.
Gate of Pain (傷門, Shōmon): located on the spinal cord. Increases the user's speed and power. Used to cause muscle tissue to tear on use. It does not affect Nisashi.
The Gate of Limit (杜門, Tomon; English TV "The Gate of Closing"): per above. Located in the abdomen. Increases all of his abilities drastically.
The Gate of View (景門, Keimon; English TV "The Gate of Joy"):located in the stomach, increases the user's speed and power. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of energy that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user. Once opened, Nisashi is capable of performing the Morning Peacock
The Gate of Wonder (驚門, Kyōmon; English TV "The Gate of Shock"):located below the stomach, although most users bodies receive immense damage and loss of durability from the use of this gate, Nisashi can utilize it with little to no strain on his body, and maintain his durability with Draconic Power.
Gate of Death (死門, Shimon): located at the heart, requires the user to puncture their chest just above the heart in order to open it. Opening this gate will cause the user's blood to emanate a flaming aura of red steam from all pores of their body, hair, and eyebrows. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy while making the heart pump at maximum power. Due to Nisashi's electrified blood, the aura actually takes a form similar to Lightning Release Chakra Mode, but with far more intensity.
Nature Transformations[]
Lightning Release[]
Nisashi developed his skill in lightning release while sailing with Mayonaka. While he can use it offensively, and occasionally does, it's primary use for Nisashi is augmentation. Nisashi's lightning release is often used with Nisashi's vast knowledge of the human body to amplify his reflexes and actions to insane levels. When used for offense, Nisashi exceptional chakra control has led to him learning quite a few useful lightning release techniques. Nisashi was born with an affinity for lightning release, and lightning quite literally runs through his veins. Nisashi's blood is caused by a similar process to the Jugo clan body manipulation, though Nisashi was this way from birth. His very blood can be used to electrocute enemies. Nisashi literal blood of lightning actually means his body is used to high voltage and lightning is nearly useless to use against him.
Earth Release[]
While Nisashi can make use of Earth Release, they are rarely used and only are used when it is advantageous. Nisashi will primarily utilize earth release defensively, or as a distraction. Nisashi has few earth release techniques, and rarely uses them in combat, but when he does, he uses them effectively.
Nisashi's crown achievement in Earth Release is his Earth embodiment technique. This technique can only be gained by those who have access to Sage Mode. This technique requires a strong affinity for Earth Release as well as a strong connection to nature itself. The Earth Embodiment technique grants Nisashi almost unmatched control over the element of Earth. They can manipulate it seamlessly without the use of hand seals. A user of Earth Embodiment has such a strong connection to the element that they can even counter and completely negate other's control over it. The control over Earth is not limited to just rock or stone, but extends to all Earthen substances. Including soil, stone, metal, clay or other earthen substances. This means that Nisashi can effectively manipulate and control all known metals, and manipulate them to his liking.
The abilities of this state are not just limited to manipulation of the element in question. Nisashi in a way is the Earth itself. As such He is as strong and as durable as the Earth. This grants him nearly unmatched strength as he possesses the strength to shake the very world in his hands. This also makes physical attacks virtually useless as a physical attack would need enough force to destroy the Earth itself in order to kill Nisashi while he is using Earth Embodiment. The strength of this state is so great that singular punches can cause shockwaves that ripple for miles. A full force stomp in this state could cause massive earthquakes across the entire continent. One would expect the user of this technique to be lacking in speed, but it does not slow them down at all. They maintain their same base levels of speed and can still augment the speed of this state with things like Eight Gates. In the case of Nisashi, he becomes a literal force of nature, becoming faster than most people could even track, as well as stronger than most people could hope to counter.
Water Release[]
While not Nisashi's natural affinity, water release has proven to be highly effective when it comes to augmenting his medical ninjutsu. Due to Nisashi's learned ability to infuse healing chakra into water, Nisashi is capable of using natural water as a source for healing, or water created through his techniques.
Water Release Chakra Mode[]
Usage: The user wraps their body in a layer of water release chakra. They modify the molecular uniformity and pressure of the water itself, which causes the molecules of water to be packed tightly together and thus gain a tougher solidity and higher density than regular water. Similar to the Lightning Release Chakra Mode, the higher the level, the higher the defense the user can achieve, though water release chakra mode can potentially be extended indefinitely, granting them an even better defense than then Earth Release Chakra Mode.
Attributes: This mode, combined with taijutsu, allows the users to utilise nintaijutsu. When using the armour at full power, it causes the users body to become slightly transparent in color and the users defenses are boosted to extraordinary levels, beyond even the Steel Release and Lightning Release attacks can't penetrate it, making it difficult to harm the user. Heat can be a counter to this chakra mode, but as the chakra modes density increases, so does the boiling point of the water surrounding the user, making only the greatest of heat-based attacks effective.
The user is also able to morph the shape of the armor to as well as well as use it as an extension of the body. Despite its cutting power, it can only cut objects as dense as diamond itself.
Variants: Besides the normal variant, there is another variant. In this other variant, the user activates the chakra mode like usual, but invests more chakra to boost the dissolving properties of the mode, sticking to water's moniker of being the "Universal Solvent". In this variant, the users chakra mode is able to dissolve most matter on contact, allowing it to withstand attacks with ease, though the user will have to contribute more chakra in this state to keep up the function. In highly skilled users, it can be used with the normal variant for a combined boost in offensive and defensive power.
Medical Ninjutsu[]
Nisashi gained a wealth of knowledge regarding medical ninjutsu through the special seal placed on him by his parents. Arguably the biggest impact was the massive amount of medical techniques that Nisashi was able to learn and even master in record time. At a yound age Nisashi could already be considered a prodigal medical nin. Nisashi has plans to infuse medical ninjutsu into storm release techniques, allowing him to heal at long distances very quickly and effectively. Nisashi's medical ninjutsu is essential to his fighting style, as he could not use the eight gates nearly as efficiently as he does without the use of Body Revival.
Through experimentation (and nearly electrocuting his own brain several times) Nisashi actually managed to combine medical ninjutsu and lightning release chakra to allow him use of bio-electricity. Through this new ability, Nisashi discovered several useful applications. The most prominent of which allows Nisashi to speed the electrical signals to and from his brain to the speed of natural lightning, making his reaction times immensely faster than the average person. Nisashi is capable of speeding his reaction times beyond the speed that is granted by even the legendary Lightning Release Chakra Mode. The more Nisashi pushes his brain, the greater chance of him damaging it. His usual long term usage can result in mild headaches if he Another use is that if electric healing, Nisashi can heal himself or others by using electricity by absorbing the electrons and using them to stimulate molecules, renewing damaged cells. Electricity can also provide energy to reduce fatigue, allowing optimal health, as well as restarting the heart and repair any brain damage. Nisashi can also control his own nueral impulses, inculding what his senses pick up, this both allows him resist pain and other restrictive effects, including certain genjutsu, by allowing him to block out signals used to formulate the illusions of Genjutsu. Doing things like blocking out individual signals requires concentration, but the time it takes to block them out usually outweighs the time it would take to break the genjutsu. Nisashi can formulate mental defenses ahead of time if he expects his opponent to utilize genjutsu. Another nifty effect is that Nisashi is actually capable of electrically charging his blood, allowing him to literally bleed lightning.

Nisashi's Enhanced Speed.
It is also possible for bioelectricity to be used offensively. Due to his skill in the matter, and his medical ninjutsu prowess granting him great levels of knowledge about the human body, Nisashi can use bioelectrcity on someone else in a variety of ways. Upon making contact with someone, he can completely alter the flow the electrical signals to and from the brain. Using this, he can shut down limbs, senses, even going so far as to completely paralyze the opponent. Even short term contact can allow him to completely shut down an opponents sight or hearing.
Nisashi has also developed a more sinister use for medical ninjutsu, and one he refrains from using except in the most dire of scenarios. It could be considered the exact opposite of traditional medical ninjutsu. Rather than repair cells and accelerate cell reproduction to heal woulds, this chakra acutally causes rapid cell death to whatever area it comes in contact with. Nisashi can actually use necrotic chakra in the place of any medical ninjutsu, and would require a medical jutsu using the same or more chakra toe stop the cell death happening in the body. The effect also deals damage at the same rate the medical technique it's paralleling repairs it. Using the Misogi Shuho technique that can infuse healing chakra into water, Nisashi can do the same with necrotic chakra. Using this in conjunction with water release techniques or his sage mode's ability to control weather can have devastating effects.
Nisashi primarily uses fuinjutsu in the form of Adamantine Sealing Chains, which he discovered by complete accident. With his usage of his chakra chains, he has several ways that he uses these chains to increase their usefulness beyond the simple application of restraining his enemy. Through practice, Nisashi can create smaller variants of the chains and form a chain mail like armor from them, he is also known to infuse these chains with healing chakra. When combined with his amplified reaction times and increased brain processing, Nisashi's chains will actually extend from his body out of pure reflex without any real effort on Nisashi's part. This give Nisashi a great advantage in taijutsu or close range combat in general. Due to the chains' absorbtion capabilities minor jutsu can be blocked by a single chain extending, and larger techniques can be blocked if Upon being trained by Magai, Nisashi gained access to several powerful seals, as well a significant amount of all around skills with fuinjutsu. He learned the Fūinjutsu Transfer Medium technique allowing his to place seals on a person if anything he has touched comes into contact with them.
Barrier Ninjutsu[]
Hekizukume (辟尽くめ, Literally Meaning: Punish Without Exception or Ruler without Exception)is a special barrier developed by Nisashi Uzumaki and is actually heavily based off of the Storm God Banishment Seal. Due to it's base one of barrier's several effects is granted from that seal. He must first gain an understanding of a persons chakra through his immense sensory abilities. Once fully recorded, Nisashi creates a seal which corresponds to his target's chakra fluctuation and frequency. A formula which forbids said chakra from entering the seals confines. Once cast, a large seal appears under the radius which erects something of an invisible dome. Those he banished are unable to enter the perimeter. If he activates this jutsu with his target within the perimeter, they are usually sent flying outwards with incredible force. Nisashi can activate this technique upon a persons body which allows him to separate them from their teammates. What makes this technique even stronger is the fact it erases all chakra influence of a person. Meaning jutsu of his targets become nullified. Nisashi can edit his seal so it allows a person to stay within the radius, however, any external usage of their chakra is banished. Meaning only jutsu which remain inside of their body is allowed. While alone this is a highly effective barrier and dangerous for his opponent, Nisashi decided to take this a few steps further.
Nisashi first step was creating a closer ranged more personal version. By placing the seal upon himself he can edit the seal to block out any chakra but his own from his immediate area. This allows the barrier to act a personal boundary field. This can serve as a close range absolute defense. Nisashi is also capable of having the barrier up without it being active, if using his close ranged variant and he is attacked, he can activate it in order to redirect his opponent's attack in the opposite direction, usually sending it right back at them, or simply absorbing it. This can also give Nisashi massive advantages in taijutsu, as others must exert great deals of force to break the barrier and Nisashi can pass through it effortlessly, and can engage anyone as he would normally while they will struggle to ever even make contact with him once it is active.
A devastating function of the barrier, and primarily used for a defensive offensive style of attack, are seals that allow Nisashi to manipulate vectors within the barrier. The first vector applied to the barrier is that of acceleration. Through it's use Nisashi can amplify the speed and movement of his techniques immensely by manipulating vectors to move him. He can also use it to stop or completely redirect enemies by shifting their acceleration in the opposite direction.
By touching an object, he can use his ability to change the magnitude of vectors he comes in contact with, this allows him to change the vectors of objects in such a way that he can turn them to projectiles. An example of the use of this ability came from his practice of it, when he lightly kicked a rock to make it shoot like a bullet. This ability also allows him to mimic superhuman strength, as he once used it to pick up and throw a concrete wall. Coupled with his already inhuman strength, Nisashi can use vectors to achieve an effect similar to that of the famed rock weight techniques of the Mizukage. This makes Nisashi's use of his Adamantine Chakra Constructs far more deadly as he can launch them with such force that their sheer kinetic energy results in explosions. This can work in the reverse sense for his opponent, if someone tries to use any kind of projectile within Nisashi's realm, he can completely halt it's acceleration, and send it hurdling in the opposite direction.
Nisashi can make anything move at a constant speed regardless of any force that acts on it, he could take any item and make them pierce through objects regardless of the relative speed. It doesn't matter if the target is moving at an extremely slow pace or if the target isn't even moving at all, so long as some part of them is physically moved, like poking their cheek (moving the face). This power only works in accordance to the user's own relative location, meaning that even though the Earth is spinning at high speeds, along with all of its inhabitants, it doesn't count as moving. This ability means that the object will not change direction or speed no matter what force acts against it. This can make virtually any projectile of Nisashi's an ultimate spear that can pierce virtually any defense. If Nisashi cancels the power on the target object, it will come to a complete stop, regardless of how fast it was going. Because of this using this power on oncoming attacks and quickly canceling it will make any force halt.
Yet another effect of Nisashi's abilities allows him to manipulate gravity at any point within his barrier. As gravity contains direction and magnitude it can be controlled by vectors. With this Nisashi can increase and decrease gravity to disorient his opponent. Nisashi can change gravity for his opponent and change it differently or simply keep it the same for himself as he sees fit. He will often rapidly change the amount of gravity randomly, thus giving his opponents body no change to adjust to the rapidly changing G-Forces. A fairly personal usage of the seal responsible for this effect is actually used by Nisashi for training. By subjecting himself to gradually increased gravity he can use it to increase his physical strength.
With the ability to control vectors the ability to manipulate scalars. While scalars could add a whole new world of possibilities, Nisashi uses them in three large ways. Manipulation of temperature, time, and entropy within his barrier.
The first scalar he employs is that of temperature. The usage of it is fairly straightforward. He can superheat areas in his barrier or freeze them to temperatures far below freezing. He can manipulate the temperature within certain areas while leaving himself unaffected. This can used to inflict hypothermia or dehydration. He is also capable of freezing or boiling his opponents blood if he raises the temperature high enough.
Another primary scalar is that of time. As the name would suggest, Nisashi can speed up or slow down time in his barrier or around any object that he imprints the seal upon. This can allow him to forcibly slow his opponent or any of their attack down. This is primarily used if Nisashi's opponent can access a form of energy his unfamiliar with or that can somehow bypass his barrier. In this scenario he can slow the projectile down to a near halt and simply dodge.
The final scalar ability Nisashi utilizes, and arguably one of the most dangerous to his opponent, is that of entropy. Entropy is a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system. This can actually allow Nisashi to completely deplete any and all energy in his opponents body that is not in active use, by manipulating entropy and making all of his opponents inactive energy unavailable to them for use. This can lead to an opponent losing almost all combat capability.
Nisashi actually uses this barrier in one of two ways. It can be a relatively large 20m x 20m barrier or it can be passively active and redirect nearly attack that nears Nisashi with little to no input from him. The smaller, more personal form of this barrier extends to about a two meter sphere around his body. He can use it safely in public by simply filtering which chakra signatures to allow around in his personal space and out of it. However this is less effective as his natural calculations and intelligence will not be applied. This gives his passive barrier one glaring weakness that only those with the sharpest of reflexes will notice even after several strikes. There is a very brief moment after an attack is stopped before it is redirected. If one begins to move their attack in the opposite direction, the barrier will actually cause it to move toward Nisashi. However Nisashi can remedy this weakness when he himself takes over the barrier's use and ampifies it's effectiveness considerably with his active thoughts.
This technique (at least at full power) is a trump card used by Nisashi when he wishes to either end fights quickly, or to punish his opponent. Nisashi will use his personal automated barrier for self defense quite often. The biggest glaring weakness in all of this, is that if other reside in a different dimension, Nisashi can not effect them with his vectors. As such, things like kamui would actually be perfect for escaping Nisashi's barrier. Even traditional teleportation uses vectors and can be blocked or negated by the barrier, or used by Nisashi to allow him instantaneous movement within his realm.
Due the fact that Nisashi has placed all of the seals used in his barriers onto himself, he is capable of using them to augment his own fighting abilities at any given moment. He can manipulate the acceleration behind his strikes, increasing their speed and power. He can decrease gravity on himself to allow for much faster movement. Through the use of the Fuinjutsu Transfer Medium Technique, he can apply these seals individually or at once to any opponent he makes contact with, or hits with a projectile he has touched.
Sage Mode[]
Nisashi sage mode grants him abilities that could attributed to the mythical thunderbirds. He can fly using the wings that sprout from his back, and do so with incredible speed. He can scream so loudly that thunder is drowned out by the sound. The scream is intense that is can be heard for miles, and anyone in the immediate area will usually suffer exploding eardrums and insane amounts of pain due to the high frequency of the scream. One of the most prominent things Nisashi does in this form is create thunderstorms. He does this by using his control over vectors to manipulate the very atmosphere, thus generating violent storms. These however are much more violent than normal storms, and lightning strikes rapidly and in areas near Nisashi. Another prominent ability is that it gives Nisashi nigh-immunity to lightning, and actually allows him to be empowered by it.

A distant view of the lightning that surrounds Nisashi when his transformation begins.
Story | Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Intelligence | Strength | Speed | Stamina | Hand seals | Total |
Part 1 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 34 |
"I had a dream when I was young. I dreamt that I would stand against monsters others thought were unstoppable. I would stand against these seemingly unstoppable foes and I would defeat them all...." - To Bobu Nomi