Naruto Fanon Wiki

Sakura is Trash
Alias(es) Sakura Uchiha (うちはサクラ, Uchiha Sakura), Forehead Girl (デコリーン, Dekorīn), Pinkie (小指, Koyubi), Tsunade Number Two (綱手二号, Tsunade Nigō)
Kanji 春野サクラ
Rōmaji Haruno Sakura
Novel Naruto: A Shinobi Story
Appears in Novel
Character Status
Birthdate Aries March 28
Age Part I: 12–13
Part II: 16–17
New Era: 29
Gender Female Female
Height Part I: 1.48–1.5 m
Part II: 1.61 m
New Era: 1.65 m
Weight Part I: 35.4–45.8 kg
Part II: 45.4 kg
New Era: 46 kg.
Blood Type O
Home Country Land of Fire Symbol Land of Fire
Clan Uchiha Symbol Uchiha Clan
Family Kizashi Haruno (Father)
Mebuki Haruno (Mother)
Hitomi Uchiha (Daughter)
Sasuke Uchiha (Husband)
Occupation(s) Director of Konoha Children Mental Hospital
Health Clinic
Head of Konoha Medical Department
Rank Part I: Genin
Part II: Chūnin
New Era: Jōnin
Classification Medical-Nin
Ninja Registration 012601
Academy Grad. Age 12
Chūnin Prom. Age 14
Jōnin Prom. Age 19
Team Team Kakashi
Konoha 13
Kazekage Rescue Team
Eight-Man Squad
Third Division
Medic Corps
Nature Type
Nature Icon Earth Earth Release(Affinity)
Nature Icon Water Water Release
Nature Icon Yin Yin Release
Nature Icon Yang Yang Release
Shinobi & Medical Techniques: Almighty Sakura, Cha Barrage, Chakra Enhanced Strength, Chakra Scalpel, Chakra Transfer Technique, Cherry Blossom Impact, Clone Combo, Creation Rebirth, Healing Technique, Fairy Tale Get, Genjutsu Reversal, Genjutsu Dissipation, Inner Sakura, Katsuyu: Immense Network Healing, Mystical Palm Technique, Ninja Art Creation Rebirth — Strength of a Hundred Technique, Poison Mist, Puppet: Spring Punishing Strike, Sakura Blizzard Technique, Strength of a Hundred Seal, Summoning Technique (Slug), The Great Sakura, Yin Seal: Release
Earth Techniques: Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin, Earth Release: Earth Corridor, Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Core, Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique, Earth Release: Moving Earth Core, Earth Release: Rending Drill Fang
Water Techniques: Water Clone Technique, Water Release: Wild Water Wave
Antidote, Military Rations Pill, Poison, Senbon, Tantō

Sakura Haruno (RW109) is property of RW109.
Therefore, this page cannot be used, touched, or edited without authorization from the author through the Message Wall. Respect the author’s wish and enjoy the following work!

Sakura Uchiha (うちはサクラ, Uchiha Sakura, neé Haruno (春野)) is a kunoichi of Konohagakure. After being assigned to Team 7, she quickly found herself ill-prepared for the duties of a shinobi; however, under the personal training by Kakashi Hatake, Shindō Shunsoku, and later the Sannin―and subsequent Fifth HokageTsunade Senju alongside Shizune Katō, she overcomes this hurdle, earning the recognition as one of the greatest medical-nin in the world.




As a genin, due to her focus on her studies, Sakura lacked any practical combat skill, other than the basic skills she learned in the Academy. This limited her role in missions, to the point where she frequently noted how much she relied on her teammates, Sasuke and Naruto. On one occasion, she is even stated by Shikamaru to be: “A kunoichi with no particular talent”. Determined to change herself, she undergoes intense training with Tsunade Senju for two-and-a-half years. From her display of skill in the earlier portions of Part II, others have remarked that Sakura could surpass Tsunade.[1][2] She also learned under the tutelage of Shindō Shunsoku. Upon completing the Strength of a Hundred Seal during the Fourth Shinobi World War, she has finally caught up to her teammates at the time.[3] Two years later, she rises to the rank of jōnin as an adult.

Chakra Control and Physical Prowess[]


Medical Ninjutsu[]

Nature Transformation[]


Main articles: Inner Sakura (RW109), Almighty Sakura, Cha Barrage, Super Inner Sakura, Clone Combo, Fairy Tale Get and The Great Sakura


Part I[]

Prologue — Land of Waves[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Prologue — Land of Waves

Ōizumi Village Crisis[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Ōizumi Village Crisis

Chūnin Exams[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Chūnin Exams (Arc)

Konoha Crush (Arc)[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Konoha Crush (Arc)

Search for Tsunade Senju[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Search for Tsunade Senju

Part II[]

Kazekage Rescue Mission[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Kazekage Rescue Mission

Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission

Akatsuki Suppression Mission[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Akatsuki Suppression Mission

Land of Whirlpools (Arc)[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Land of Whirlpools (Arc)

Itachi Uchiha Pursuit Mission[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Itachi Uchiha Pursuit Mission

Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant

Pain’s Assault (Arc)[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Pain’s Assault (Arc)

Five Kage Summit (Arc)[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Five Kage Summit (Arc)

Fourth Shinobi World War (Arc)[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Fourth Shinobi World War (Arc)

Birth of the Ten-Tails’ Jinchūriki[]

Main article: Naruto: A Shinobi Story/Birth of the Ten-Tails’ Jinchūriki

New Era[]


  • The name “Sakura” literally “cherry blossom” (桜), a flower which is cherished in Japan due to its beauty and its almost-tragically short life span (cherry blossoms have historically been associated with the samurai). It also serves as the national flower for the nation of Japan. Her family name “Haruno” mean “spring field” (春野). In Japanese, her full name can be interpreted as “spring field of cherry blossoms” (春野桜, haruno sakura) or “cherry blossoms in spring” (春の桜, haru no sakura). Sakura’s name can also be a reference to a suit of cards used in the Hanafuda card game.
  • Sakura placed well in the Naruto Character Popularity Polls, reaching an all-time high of fifth most popular.
  • In the Live Spectacle Naruto, the role of Sakura was played by Yui Ito.
  • According to the databook(s):
    • Sakura’s hobbies are playing trivia games and memorizing new material for her medical studies.
    • Sakura wishes for a rematch with Ino.
    • Sakura’s favorite foods are syrup-coated anko dumplings, umeboshi, and anmitsu, while her least favorites are anything spicy.
    • Sakura has completed 34 official missions in total: 12 D-rank, 9 C-rank, 6 B-rank, 7 A-rank, 0 S-rank.
    • Sakura’s favorite phrase according to the first databook is “A life with love throughout!” (一生愛の人生よ!, Isshōai no jinsei yo!), and her favorite word according to the second and third databooks is “courage” (勇気, yūki).


  • (To herself about Naruto) “Always acting like a fool who only knows one thing…Hokage, Hokage. I’m sorry Naruto…that impossible dream of yours…I don’t want to see it crushed!”[4]
  • (To herself) “I’ve always considered myself to be a true ninja…but those were just empty words, because Sasuke and Naruto were always in the lead! But now it’s my turn to take the lead, and all of you can watch me from the background!”
  • (To Chiyo) “I may not have amazing weapons like a puppet in me, but what I do have is my master’s contempt for losing!”[5]
  • (To the Allied Forces after being inspired by Naruto) “He’s making us realize that he considers all of us his comrades!!! I’m going to make sure Naruto has a full recovery! Every one of us must do what's in their power! If we’re going to die any way……then it’s better to die fighting than to do nothing!!”[6]
  • (To Naruto while giving CPR to him) “I’m not going to just allow someone to die so easily on my watch! (Later) That ridiculous dream of yours…just look now. I won’t let you die…you’re not dying on me, you hear me! No matter the cost, there’s no way that I will let you die!! Just look now…that dream is right in front of your eyes!!!”[7]
  • (To her daughter) “Hitomi, you and I are very precious to your dad. That’s exactly why he can’t come home. I don’t think you’ll be able to understand it now…but the day will come when you do.”
  • (To Shindō “”


  1. Naruto chapter 246, pages 10-12
  2. Naruto chapter 279, page 10
  3. Jin no Sho, pages 143-145
  4. Naruto chapter 43, page 14
  5. Naruto chapter 269, page 14
  6. Naruto chapter 630, page 9
  7. Naruto chapter 663, page 9,18