
Pain, the former village head of Amegakure.
Village Head (里長, sato-osa) is the highest-ranking, and usually the most powerful shinobi, of their respective village. The village head is the main representative of their village and is in charge of administrative and military activities. Although each village usually has only one village head, the actual day-to-day governing is generally shared with various councilors and top-ranking shinobi. Each village has its own way of deciding on the village leader, using methods as diverse as democratic elections and hereditary succession.
The head of shinobi villages from the Five Great Shinobi Countries wield the greatest power and are particularly respected. They are the only village heads allowed to bear the name of Kage.
Known Village Heads[]
- The five Kage:
- The Hokage of Konohagakure.
- The Kazekage of Sunagakure.
- The Mizukage of Kirigakure.
- The Raikage of Kumogakure.
- The Tsuchikage of Iwagakure.
- Orochimaru of Otogakure.
- Hanzō, Nagato Uzumaki, and Konan of Amegakure.
- Sageru of Yugakure.
- Senji and Hisen of Takigakure.
- Akihiko Kusano of Kusagakure.
- Ashina and Tajima Uzumaki of Uzushiogakure.
- Asashi of Shimogakure.