Naruto Fanon Wiki


  • "The butcher from the clouds"
Appears in Movie
Voice Actors
English Christopher Sabat Icon - Search
Birthdate Expression error: Unexpected < operator. December 12th
Gender Gender Male Male
  • Part I: 31
  • Part II: 33 (Presumed Deceased)
  • Part I: 5'11""'11"" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.
  • Part II: 6'182.88 cm <br />1.829 m <br />72 in <br />
Weight 162 lbs."lbs." is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.
Blood type AB
Classification "Missing-Nin" is not in the list (ANBU, Celestial Beast, Chakravartin, Cooking-nin, Cyborg, Daimyō, Heavenly Sovereign, Hunter-nin, Jinchūriki, Legendary Creature, ...) of allowed values for the "Classification" property. Missing-Nin
Occupation Former General
Affiliation Cloud Village
Team Rouge Cloud Nin.
Clan Unknown Symbol Unknown
Ninja Rank Jōnin
Ninja Registration 52160
Academy Grad. Age 7
Chūnin Prom. Age 11
Nature Type


Earning national fame during the Third Shinobi World War, Zetsumei was one of the head genrals of the Cloud village shinobi army and became known for his mericiless and brutal attitude, gaining the name "The butcher from the clouds." However, he was eventually convicted on war crimes against the Cloud Village and was banished from the village along with his four officers.


In his initial appearance, Zetsumei wears the same black and white cloak as his officers, with his village emblem on his left breast crossed out. Underneath his cloak, Zetsumei wear the normal Cloud village flak jacket with black pants and sandals.

He has deep brown hair, green eyes, a square jaw, and three scars along his chin. However, during the war, his scars were absent.
